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Summers POV

"So, are you going back to Miami after tomorrow?" Austin asked, forking his pancakes and putting then into his mouth.

"I think so. But not for long. Just to get a little more settled. Maybe rent an apartment and buy things for travel and stuff to stay home. Ya know, to keep organized?" I answered, pushing my plate further in front of me and taking a sip of my orange juice.

"I have a few concerts in Minnesota so I'll be there from Monday to Thursday at most. Then I come back home to Miami." He said. I nodded.

"So, you guys are official?" Alex asked, grinning slightly.

"No yet." He said, winking. I giggled.

"Austin, what the hell is this?" Dave said, looking at his iPad.


"You got into a fight last night?! I trusted you to not be stupid!" he said. I groaned, putting my elbows on the table and trying my head in my palms.

"Dave, not now." he said, noticing my frustration.

"Yes now, Austin! Do you realize how serious this is? you can charged and maybe even spend a few days in jail!" He continued. A tear fell from my eye and landed on my napkin, leaving a wet circle. Michelle noticed and placed her hand on my back.

"Is everything okay, darling?" she asked.

"Yea, I'm fine. Will you just excuse me?" I got up from the table and rushed to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Dave yell. A tear fell from my eye.

"Dave, goddamnit!" Austin yelled. There was a knock on the door and then Austin came in, shutting the door behind him.

"I'm sorry about that." he said.

"It's fine." I lied, putting my hands on either sides of the sink.

"No, it's not." He said, looking at me.

I refused to look in his eyes. He title my chin towards him but I kept my eyes to the side. He sighed.

"Are you sure your okay right now?"


"Alright, well, just know I'm here for you.

I smiled and kissed him quickly before we exited the bathroom and went back into the small kitchen.

"Austin, when are we going to talk about this?" Dave asked him as soon as we entered. I rolled my eyes and Austin tightened his grip on my hand.

"I don't know. Just not now." Austin tilted his head just a bit to gesture towards me. I pretended not to notice.

"So, thanks Michelle for breakfast. Austin and I are going to go get ready. Dave, what time is his concert tonight?" I asked.


Austin and I went to to the bedroom and as soon as I closed the door, I turned to face him.

"Is this right? I mean us.. Should we be together?" I asked. He turned to face me completely.

"There's a difference between should be and will be. People know it's wrong, but they just can't be separated because love is too strong. You and I both know we've gotten into this relationship way too quickly and the change in both our personalities have changed rapidly, but I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Austin, but what if this relationship ends just as quickly as it started?"

"We live and we learn, Summer. But I don't think you have to worry about us ending, unless you want to end it because God knows I don't." He answered.

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