Chapter one.

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"Bye mom!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

"And where the hell do you think you're going dressed like that young lady?" I examined what I was wearing. I had a crop top, jean shorts, and a pair of combat boots

"Out. And there's nothing wrong with my outfit." I opened the door and ran out before she could say anything else.

"Hey slut, get in!" I rolled my eyes and smirked. My friend Liz said as she pulled up in front of my house.

"Where we going tonight?" I asked.

"Only Bren's favorite place!" She said dramatically. I laughed and she took off, speeding down the road. I turned up the radio and 'What About Love' by some boy was playing. It's not a bad song just not my type of music.

I changed the station and 'Clique' by Kanye West ft. Big Sean started blasting. Liz rolled down her window and sped up. She soon slowed back down when we neared the turn. Once we arrived she stopped the car and we both got out.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in. Or something like that." Bren (Liz's boyfriend) said as he saw me with her.

"Very funny. Now what do ya have for me." I said with a smirk across my face.

"Two packs. It's over there. Where's my money?" I handed him 30$ and retrieved my cigarettes. Yes, I smoke, yes I get drunk, and yes I'm not a virgin. But there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just being me. I popped one in my mouth and lit it.

"Before you two swallow each other where's the drinks?"

"In that cooler over there. Take it slow tonight we don't want the cops finding us. You were close last time."

"That was one time." Last week I got really drunk and passed out in the parking lot of 7-eleven. The cops saw me and woke me up. I told them I had my period and my cramps were really bad so I needed to lay down like right then and I fell asleep.

"Yea but that excuse only works one time Summer. Take it easy okay?"

"Boo you're no fun." I opened a can if beer and chugged it. I threw the empty can into the trash bag and took another drag of my cigarettes. Once I finished that cigarette I popped in another one. I pulled out my phone and saw my mom had called me seven times. I told Liz and Bren to be quiet and called her back.

"Hello mommy?"

"Summer, where the hell are you."

"I'm just at Becka's house mum! Nothing to worry about."

"Why were you dressed like that then?" I rolled my eyes.

"Becka wanted to see what the outfit would look like and I was too lazy to bring clothes so I just brought it there."

"Alright sweaty. Sorry. Have a good time!" I hung up and moaned.

"God my mom is annoying!" I took another beer and chugged it again. I stopped what I was doing when I was something move next to me. I got up and screamed, running into Bren.

"What?!" He shouted, pulling me into a protective hug.

"There w-was a rat!" He started laughed and released me.

"You scared me. And we better leaver before we get fought considering you just shattered everyone's ears." Bren collected our things and put then into his car.

"I'll meet you guys back at my place." Bren said, hopping into his car and starting the engine. Me and Liz did the same and we followed Bren to his house. Liz was a year older than me and Bren was four years older than me. He had his own house. It was small but it would do for only one person. He doesn't smoke, just drinks but he's legal age.

Liz doesn't smoke or drink. My mom always says how they're the bad influences but I guess I'm the only one doing bad things.

Bren has a side job of a tattoo artist and he actually just given me one. It's under my left breast and it says 'Teenage Dirtbag'. Neither one of my parents saw it yet and hopefully it'll stay that way.

Liz pulled into Bren's driveway and stopped the car. I hopped out and helped him take the cooler of liquor inside. Liz followed and sat on the couch. I took the bottle of vodka and poorer three shots.

"Now that we're in your house I could get drunk." I chugged the first shot, then the second, and then the third. I felt myself getting tipsy. I poured three more and chugged them all down.

"I want somebody. I need somebody. Go get me a tall, muscular, hot guy so I could just rip his clothes off." I stumbled to the door and Bren caught my wrist before I could open it.

"Stay in here Summer. Maybe we should call your mom." He sat me down on the couch.

"No! No mom! Just a guy." I lied down on my back and fly my eyes start to shut.

"Alright Summer, go to sleep." My eye lids were shut and I soon drifted to sleep.

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