Chapter 17

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"Finally." Austin said under his breath as the plane took off.

"How long have you been with Austin?" Michelle asked me. Originally Zach sat next to me but I had asked him to switch with Michelle.

"A few days. I honesty lost count. We've done so much stuff, if I told you, you wouldn't believe it." I said.

"Has he been using protection?" she asked, making me choke on my breath.

"What?" I said between coughs. Austin looked at me, oblivious to his mothers question. I waved him off.

"No, actually we haven't been doing that." I said.

"Do you have any siblings?" she said changing the subject.

Thank god!

"Mom, stop asking so many damn questions." Austin groaned next to me. What the hell is his problem?

"Austin! Be nice to your mom." I nudged his arm.

"It's fine honey. I can just embarrass him later like I always do." she fired back. Damn.

"I'm not in the mood, mom." he said, rolling his eyes.

What the hell? this is going to be a looong flight.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"What are we doing first?" I asked Austin as we exited the plane.

"Sleeping." He said and walked away from me.

"What the hell is your problem today?" I shouted, not caring that eeryone can hear. He stopped walking and turned around slowly.

"What the hell is my problem? You've been annoying all day, Summer. Just shut up already!" He fired back.

"You have serious issues." I fought the angry tears that were fighting to escape my eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just pissed about something." He said, looking down at his feet as he lightly tapped the row of chairs with the tip of his sneaker.

"About what?" I asked. He looked up at me and his face hardend once again.

"Mind your damn buisness." He said before walking away once again. Everyone was now looking at me. I bursted out in tears and Zach rushed oer to me, putting his arm oer my shoulder and sitting me down.

"He's a rough day. He didn't mean any of that. i promise he didn't. Give him a few minutes. Okay?" He comforted.

"I just wish he'd tell me. We move up in our relationship and he starts getting pissy with me." I said. What if he has second thoughts.

"You think he's having second thoughts, don't you?" he asked.

"Kinda." I shrugged.

"Well he's not. I see the way he looks at you.When you're around he's always smiling. When we first met you, everytime you said something he'd smile at you. Even though you were'nt looking. He likes you, a lot. I can promise you that he's not having second thoughts on you." He said smiling. I smiled back and shot my head up when someone cleared their throat.

"You done crying?" Austin asked, still annoyed.

"You done being an asshole?" I fired back, crossing my arms. His face showed no emotion but as soon as I rolled my eyes it was obvious he was hiding his smile.

"For now." He shrugged, still smiling. I rolled my eyes again but smiled as well.

"Come on, we have sight seeing to do." He said. I got up with Zach and walked over to Austin.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll explain later." He whispered to me and kissed my forehead. I nodded and he wrapped me in a hug. I inhaled his scent before pulling back and taking hand.

"I have surprise for you at our hotel." he said.

"I hate surprises!"

"I know, babe." He laughed and kissed the top of my head. He walked me out into the cold, but forgiving October air.

"Do you want to sightsee or go to the hotel right now?" Austin asked,stopping me from getting into the black truck.

"Hotel." I answered, winking. He smirked at me and let me get in.

(A/N): Hola my lovely readers! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! (If you celebrate it, if not than I hope you're having a good break!) I want to know what everyone did for yesterday and what they got! I got One Direction tickets!! Yay me!

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