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Sam's POV

Once I arrived home it was around 3pm. and to my surprise, the house was empty. shrugging it off I sprinted up the stairs - two at a time and bundled in my room where i threw my phone on my bed and my bag on the floor.

To be honest, my room was pretty clean compared to an average teen so I was impressed. I opened up my closet to retrieve a clean towel before stumbling over to my ensuite and locking the door behind me.

After I had let the water heat up, I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and ripped the hair band from my hair which caused me to wince due to the knots in my hair and I jumped into the shower. luckily the hot water relaxed the knots in my muscles from all the training. after having a ten minute shower of washing my body and my hair, I got out to get dressed into some comfy clothes.

I unlocked the door which lead to my bedroom and placed on a fresh set of underwear and placing on some deodorant before rummaging through my drawers to find something to wear. eventually I had settled for a tshirt with a turtle on it and some plaid pyjama trousers. I quickly dried my hair and jumped onto my bed, going through my notifications on my phone.

Twitter - MegMegMegan favourited your tweet

3 New Text Messages:


From: Dad

Hey Kiddo,
Not gonna be home tonight and Joey is back later so your aunt will be staying over for a while.
Hope training was good, love you xxx

So I replied:

To: Dad

Hi Dad,
Okay that's fine, can't wait to see aunt Beth. Training was okay, I'm dying of tiredness though ;) stay safe, love you xx


From: Emily

Claire is spreading shit about our band and we're getting hate messages, check twitter and Facebook ASAP!
- Emz xxx

I frowned as I saw this and began to type frantically at the screen as my blood boiled;

To: Emily

Hey Emz,
I will check it out in a second. cant believe she's acting like a bitch again. do the others know?
-Sammy xx


From: Aunt Beth

You're dad may have told you I'm coming to stay with you for a while, will hopefully be there around 6pm, we'll order pizza, get ice cream and watch movies like old times ;)
Love you lots, see you soon xx

This caused a huge smile to appear in my face, I haven't seen my aunt in ages! I can't wait to have a catch up with her! she's always been like a mom since our mom left when I was younger. she came to every school play, sports day and always asked about my grades, took me to places. she was one of the best people ever. I really appreciate how much she has done for me! I'm going to pay her back somehow, she deserves something awesome!

I began to type:

To: Aunt Beth

Hey Aunt Beth!
Just seen yours&dads text! can't wait for you to aarrive we haven't seen each other in ages! i look forward to our catch up! see you soon, be safe!
Love Sammy xxx

Once I had sent the message, I grabbed my laptop off of my desk and began to look at the stupid hate messages on our band pages.

Some of the messages ranged from

'You suck'

To other rather rude comments.

'They are absolute shit. Claire's band should have won, that Sam girl can't even sing.'

'Yeah! that Sam thinks she's all that and that fake blonde James is a moron, he should get off stage.'

'See Sam, you are a bitch. we deserved to win and you and your idiotic band came along and destroyed everything like you always do, no wonder your mom left you.'

The last message was posted by Claire. To be honest it didn't bother me however I then noticed a few aimed at the other girls calling them 'sluts' 'whores' and 'bitches' this caused my blood to boil and my anger levels to rise. How dare they! how dare they say stupid shit about my friends that sit true!

I thought for a moment before posting a new status;

'Excuse me! How dare you post hate to my friends, you don't even bloody know them so don't you dare judge. We did not choose to win the battle of the bands the judges chose. we enjoy music, it's a passion. winning was a great success and we aren't boasting about it so why carry on hating? its in the past now, we won, end of story. just cause Claire's band came in the top three doesn't mean it's the end of the world. I'd be proud no matter what. Don't bring my family into it either, you should no better. you aren't big people. if there was a problem say it to our faces. your sitting behind a screen feeling so powerful but your so small. stop hating on us - thanks.'

With that, I pushed the laptop to the side and my stomach began to rumble - time for a snack.

I slowly got up from my bed and padded down the stairs and went to the kitchen.

What to eat?

Crisps? nah.

Chocolate? nah.

Toast with Nutella? YEAASSHHH!

I grinned at my thoughts before placing two slices of bread into the toaster and they began to heat. I grabbed the Nutella and a spreading knife as well as a plastic plate before standing in front of the toaster and impatiently waiting for the toast to pop up.

Eventually the toast was done! it seemed like years however it was only a two minute wait. this is how I am when I'm hungry...

I quickly spread on the Nutella and bit into the heavenly food. it was amazing! I quickly ate it in record time before placing the knife and plate in the sink, the Nutella in the cupboard and quickly downed a glass of apple juice before running back up the stairs to see if there were any more hate messages arriving on the bands page.

To my surprise, there were comments but they were supporting us!

Shane: 'Sam is right! stop sending fucking hate, it's unessarcary! grow up and stop or grow a pair and say it to their faces and suffer the consequences.'

That made me laugh. Shane is funny when he's angry.

Megan: 'you call me a slut or whore and then you look at Claire. tell me, whose the one who was born in the Barbie factory?'

Jenna: 'jeez stop bullshitting about the crazy crew, they'd beat Claire's team any day. stop trying to bring Sam's family into it Claire or i'll rip out them cheap hair extensions.'


I can't believe the way Jamie worded that. well then again, Jamie will be Jamie.

I really was happy that it all turned around as more positive comments about the crazy crew were flooding in. I looked at the time and it was 4.30 pm already!

My eyes began to droop shut every few minutes so I decided to take a nap as I was dying of tiredness...

Authors Note;




3 more comments and 5 more votes for a double chapter :)

Peace out profilers :D

Brooke ;)

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