Getting close to the final...

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Sam's POV

I'm nervous.

It's scary.

Heart racing.

Palms sweating.

Time goes slowly.

I'm standing on stage, with my fellow bandmates awaiting the news to whether or not we have made it to the final.

There are four bands yet only three places in the final.

Our band

Shane's band

Claire's band

And a band called MusicMadness (A/N MADE THAT NAME UP :p)

Glancing at various points in the crowds, I notice a few familiar faces.

My dad

My brothers; Joey and Jack

My grandparents

My cousin Lizzie had arrived, she looked bored along with my annoying aunt and uncle called Sarah and Daniel.

The agents from the BAU; Hotch, Morgan, Reid, Rossi, Garcia, JJ and Prentiss...

Looking at James who was gripping my hand with dear life, his face was a mask of determination, hope as well as nervousness.

Megan, she looked worried almost, very fidgety, she can be impatient when there is a lot of tension within a situation such as silences before a big result.

Blake and Emily were holding hands as well looking nervous, I gave them a sympathetic smile before turning my attention to Jamie who was grinning like an idiot which caused me to stifle a laugh.

"And the first band through to the final is..."

I looked at Shane who mouthed 'good luck' which I returned with a grin. I noticed Claire glaring at me with a smug expression, I rolled my eyes and averted my gaze to the girl revealing the results.

"JMS!" (A/N JMS stands for their names in Shane's band : Jenna, josh Micheal, max and Shane!)

This caused the crowd to cheer and applaud, they were very fond of the band.

I was grinning like an idiot as Shane's group got through, all having a celebratory dance before scurrying off the stage.

"The next band through is..."

Once again, I glanced at my dad who had a proud smile on his face, I grinned at him which he responded with a thumbs up.

"Claire's band!"

There was less applause this time but I tried hard to not let out my laughter due to the name of the band, I mean it was SO CREATIVE (A/N note the heavy sarcasm ;) ) James beside me began to laugh too which had spread to the rest of or band, causing us all to earn glares from people in the crowd that supported their band.

Once they left the stage, I grabbed Megan's hand and she laughed at my nervous gesture.

"And the last band through is......."

Before she could announce the result, I heard chants in the crowd:

"SAM! JAMES! JAMIE! MEGAN! EMILY! BLAKE!" this spread through the crowd causing me to laugh.

Okay this is weird.

From the next moment, everything went slow motion,


Shock filled my body, my mouth gaped open and I began to jump up and down with my bandmates who were grinning like idiots and hugging each other whilst the crowd roared.

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