Stressful School

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At breaktime, Sam was stressed out "I can't believe you told the agents." she hissed as her five friends turned their attention to her. Megan then rolled her eyes "You are as almost over dramatic than Jamie!" Jamie then clicked his fingers in a 'Z' formation and then said "Bitch is not getting my crown." Sam completely ignored him "Sam, you deserve to actually get noticed and use your talent!" Blake told her, Sam sighed and shook her head as they sat down on the grass. "You guys do not get it at all do you?" she asked sarcastically, causing James to frown, "What do you mean?" he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder which she shook off. "I was noticed when I first started the school, getting loads of offers to go to college and shit! I want to actually have a normal school experience instead of having like twenty year old nerds to hang around with! Now the agents know about my grades, they may advise me to go to college. I don't want to do that." Then she looked up to her friends blank expressions. "I'm so sorry, if you had warned us, we wouldn't have done it!" Emily said, looking genuinely guilty, Sam nodded then sighed "Its okay but next time could you all leave it to me when to decide if I tell anyone about it?" They all nodded, "Thanks." she told them and smiled.

The conversation spiralled to the theme of music and their band. "So, are we gonna enter that concert that's next week?" Asked James, all the friends were silent for a moment... Thinking. "I say we go for it!" Megan announced, Emily nodded in agreement. Sam bit her lip then sighed "If we're all in I will perform but if someone doesn't want to then I'm not!" They nodded "I'm in!" Jamie and James said in unison, they all looked at Blake and Sam who both nodded and smiled "Yes! Okay, let's go and sign up!"

Once they went to sign up, they unfortunately ran into Claire and her friends Monica, Eve, Billy, Matt and Austin. "So you losers are signing up!?" Claire sneered, Megan gave her a death glare, "Yeah we are, so what?" Jamie spat, Claire laughed which eventually ended up with her group joining in, it was sickening! "What's the point if you have no talent?" Eve asked us, Sam frowned as did James who then growled "You can hardly talk, we are much better than you because we aren't fake!" Sam grinned and high fived him. Claire pouted then glared at Sam, "So Sam, how's your mom?" Sam stared at the evil girl who's smirk grew on her face."Don't even go there." Megan growled, standing in front of Sam "Why? Doesn't Sam want to talk about her mommy?" Claire laughed with her friends, none of them even Sam and her friends didn't notice the agents listening. "That's none of your business Claire." Sam said, deadpan. "So what will you do when the whole school finds out that you tried to kill yourself?" She asked,her friends held worried expressions... Claire had taken it too far. "That didn't happen you lying bitch!" Sam spat, then turned to walk away when Claire grabbed her wrist, turned her round and punched her very hard. Sam suddenly fell to the ground, everything was blurry the room was spinning...

Megan lunged at Claire then the agents stepped in, agent Morgan grabbed megan back whilst agent Jareau pulled Claire back. "Megan calm down!" James yelled at her then pulled her into a hug. Agent Reid went to Sam along with agent Prentiss, "Sam, are you okay?" Agent Prentiss asked softly, Sam began to regain her vision "yeah, my head hurts though." Then she put her hand on her cheek feeling something warm, she looked at her hand which was stained in blood "I think I need a blood transfusion." Sam joked, agent Morgan smirked. "Just wait until I get my hands on that little -" Megan muttered until Jamie interrupted "Meg let it go, we know what happened she doesn't..." Sam looked at her friends worried expressions, they all know what had happened, and Claire was very wrong...

*start of flashback*

Sam had placed the razor on her skin, the blood oozed out, it made her feel better, she missed not having a mom and the stress of claire got to her alot and she just broke down...then James ran in "Sam!" He yelled, Sam looked up,with puffy red eyes and a sad expression "I-I'm so sorry!" She whispered throwing the razor on the other side of the room as James sat besides her on her bedroom floor and hugged her, "it's okay, don't worry, I'm here." He soothed, then he grabbed the first aid kit. As he started to clean her wrist, he whispered "Why did you do it, Sam?" Sam looked at him with tears spilling out of her eyes "I just want my mom to come back, I need a mom! She left me, I have nobody!" She sobbed, James then nodded without saying a word.


Sam and her friends went out to the town to go to the park, the streets were busy and there were many people out and about! Sam had zoned out of the conversation staring at the road,then she noticed a gild walk out who looked around six years of age, he wasn't paying attention,there was a car coming,without thinking Sam ran to the road and pushed he kid out of the way and she got hit... Before she blacked out, she hear the screams of her friends...

*end of flashback*

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