Monday Madness

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Sam's POV

Monday. That dreaded day that everyone grumbles about. Apparently its the worst day of the week, I mean going back to school or work, its not exactly fun!




I smashed my hand down on the beautiful snooze button of my alarm clock so it would stop being a pain in the ass and waking me up from my sleep. My bed is so comfortable and I didn't want to leave it... but I had to.

"Arghh." I groaned as I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, and stretched. Reluctantly I pulled back the covers and walked over to my bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. Once I had finished spending two minutes brushing my teeth (very important to keep your teeth clean I mean, the dentist is evil) I went over to my wardrobe to get dressed.

what to wear today, what should I wear? 

Black skinny jeans, a floral t-shirt and a leather jacket sounds good. I pulled off my pyjamas and slipped on some new underwear before putting on my clothes. Looking in the mirror, I nodded at my reflection, I'm rocking this outfit, not to brag or anything but I totally am.

Right time to quickly run a brush through my hair, grab my bag and phone and then get some food. I couldn't be bothered with makeup today, besides why should I wear it? I'm not trying to impress anyone. Running down the stairs with my bag over my shoulder I almost tripped over my own feet and fell flat on my face, luckily I didn't but it was a close call.

The smell of coffee drifted around me, making my mouth water, I continued my trek to the kitchen where I was greeted by my Dad and little brother.

"Morning!" I chirped as I dropped my bag on the floor in the corner of the room and made a beeline to the coffee machine.

"Morning honey, sleep well?" my Dad asked as I reached up for a mug which was in the cupboard above the machine,

"Yeah I did thanks, how about you?" I asked before pouring in the beautiful liquid into my mug and adding milk and sugar. "Pretty good thanks, but that annoying dog across the street doesn't know when to shut up." he grumbled, causing me and Jack to chuckle.

"You know Dad, we have a performance at school next month!" Jack beamed before taking a mountain load of cereal and shoving it into his mouth.

"That's great buddy, which character are you playing?" Dad asked before turning away from the toaster and handing me a plate with two slices of toast coated slightly in butter and jam. "Thanks Dad!" I grinned at him before taking my toast and coffee to the island and sitting on the stool opposite Jack. Dad grabbed his mug off of the counter before joining us on the counter to continue his conversation with Jack once he'd finished the mouthful of cereal he was struggling to eat.

"I'm the police officer!" he exclaimed, his whole face lit up in excitement.

I took a bite of my toast "That's awesome!" I mumbled with my mouthful causing Dad to scowl, "Sam, manners, you are a lady." I snorted at him, "Sure thing Dad." Jack snickered and Dad glared at him causing him to avert his attention to his cereal once again.

"Let us know when tickets are on sale so we can bring the whole family, it will be a good night out." Dad told Jack who simply nodded before chugging down his breakfast.

Once I had finished my toast and coffee, I placed a kiss on my Dad and brother's cheeks and grabbed my bag, ready to walk to school on this oh so wonderful Monday morning.

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