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Sam's POV

"and the winner is..."

I am scared


Ah I hate waiting

Geez I am impatient sometimes.

"Claire's band!" the crowd remained silent.

Then an eruption of booing filled the area, I began to grin.

"CRAZY CREW! CRAZY CREW! CRAZY CREW!" The crowd chanted, I shrugged. then a microphone came flying my way, I grabbed it and nodded to max who had threw it.

"Geez guys, it's okay!" I laughed into the mic. the girl looked stressed as another member of the team came up and gave her another card.

"Looks like we won!" Claire sneered at us, I rolled my eyes.

"Win or lose, I don't care, we did well, that's all that matters!" James announced proudly, I grinned and nodded in agreement.

"WAIT! there was a mistake, I apologise, the winners are actually THE CRAZY CREW!"

the crowd went crazy (A/N HAAHA THEY WENT CRAY CRAY! NO? OKAY;) )

I was so shocked, I looked at Claire who stormed off stage, her face was crimson, full of pure anger and hatred!

"We did it!" megan squealed as we all hugged and congratulated eeach other.

"Thanks so much!" I said into the mic,
Then an idea popped into my head,

"Who wants one more song?" I asked, the crowd cheered once again.

"I will take that as a yes!... GROUP HUDDLE!" I declared as I threw the mic back to max.

"What song?" I asked.

"Ah I don't know!" Blake cried and began to panic.

"Urmmmmm how about love is easy?" James asked, we all exchanged glances before nodding.

As our huddle broke up, we were bought microphones and then stools were placed on stage. once the guitar was on as well, I then announced;

"We're gonna sing love is easy." the crowd cheered and whistled as they heard the news and we began the song;

Megan took a breath before singing:

"Do, do, do, do-do-do,
Do, do, do, do-do-do,
Do, do, do, do-do-do,

Today, I'm laughing the clouds away,
I hear what the flowers say,
And drink every drop of rain,
And I see,

Places that I have been,
In ways that I've never seen,
My side of the grass is green,
Ooh I can't believe that it's so simple,
It feels so natural to me,"

Then James and I sang together:

"'If this is love,
Then love is easy,
It's the easiest thing to do,
If this is love,

Then love completes me,
Cause it feels like I've been missing you,

A simple equation,
With no complications,
To leave you confused,
If this is love, love, love,
Hmm it's the easiest thing to do"

Then we all sang together:
"Do, do-do-do, do, do,
Do-do-do, do do,
Do-do-do, to you,

Then Jamie, Emily and Blake took over:
"Feel the way that I do,
Do I turn your grey skies blue?
And make dirty streets look new?

Hmm and the birds sing,

Now I know exactly what they mean,
Ooh I can't believe that it's so simple,
It feels so natural to me"

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