Just Thinking...

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Sam's POV

One of the most boring things in the world is when your maths teacher gives a lecture on how great maths is...

And now my nightmare has become a cruel reality. don't get me wrong I don't mind the subject, but this guy is just boring me. I'm just grateful it's the last lesson of the day!

I glanced to the left hand side of the classroom where Megan was almost asleep and kept jerking her head back up realising she was still in class, this caused me to chuckle to myself.

Looking in the direction of Jamie and James, they were looking around the room, as if they were looking for something to entertain them once they had got bored five minutes ago when they kept flicking paper across the room to Blake. Blake was actually listening to the teacher pretending he understood every word causing me to nudge Emily who was sat on my left.

She gave me a questioning look and I pointed to Blake and she began to laugh quietly but placed a hand over her mouth to stop herself laughing out loud.

I began to think about what had happened at the park... the almost kiss...

I have to admit, that would have been my first kiss. who cares? I'm still young and I'll do it when I'm ready,besides people say the first is always special.

But did I want to kiss James? or was it the spur of the moment.

One part of me says yes you did!

But the other part says that's kinda weird cause we're best friends, it wouldn't be right...

Thing is, James and I have been distant, it seems everything has gone a little awkward and the others have noticed, especially Jamie, his body language and behaviour says it all - whoa I sound like a profiler! I thought. but nobody has spoke about it.

I think I'm gonna have to talk to James about it and clear the air to get everything back to normal and then-

I was cut off from my thoughts as the bell rang, indicating it was the end of the lesson.

"Finally!" Emily muttered under her breath as we grabbed our bags and exited from the classroom.

We all met up outside and Blake grinned "that was a great lesson, it was... inspirational!" I rolled my eyes and megan yawned.

"Tired Meg?" I asked, raising a brow, she nodded "yep!"

James seemed quiet, he didn't really seem with it today more like somewhere else,deep in thought.

Maybe he needs time...

That's probably it, I guess I will have to wait and see how everything goes and if its still awkward we'll have to talk.

"I'm just gonna go home and sleep!" megan said as she yawned once again.

"I'm gonna chill out and act cool." Jamie told us as he placed on his sunglasses. Today was actually a pretty warm day and the sun was out.

I pushed open the door as my friends followed and we strolled out of the school gate.

"Well James and I are getting the bus." Blake told us as he gestured towards the big, yellow bus behind him.

We all hugged and said our goodbyes, when James hugged me, it was quick and I felt like it was forced.

"Bye guys." I said, giving them a weak smile as they climbed the steps of the bus.

Turning my attention to Jamie, he showed us his skateboard and we all laughed as he began to skate down the street.

"So, looks like it's just us girlies so let's gossip!" Emily cried as we began to walk away from the school which faded in the distance with every step we took.

"So Sam, what's up with you and James?" megan asked me with a curious expression.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

Megan remained quiet but Emily didn't buy it.

"Sam, something went on cause otherwise you would be all happy and hugging and laughing with each other! you have been like this ever since hide and seek at the park."

I nodded and sighed, "well something did happen..."

Megan gestured for me to go on.

"Well, Jamie hid in a tree near where I was hiding-"

"Gosh that boy and climbing trees!" megan exclaimed which caused all three of us to laugh.

I began to fiddle with the purple bead on my bracelet which sat on my right wrist.

"James scared me and he caught me before I fell backwards and we both leaned in. we... almost kissed."

"Wait -almost?! almost kissed!?" megan and Emily yelled simultaneously. this caught attention of others in the street, I gave the girls a warning look before giving an apologetic look to a woman walking by.

"Yes almost! cause Jamie fell out of the tree and we pulled apart. it was awkward and I came to find you guys and now me and James haven't spoke since." I explained in one breath.

"Ah, I see..." Emily nodded as she took in the information.

My phone suddenly bleeped, indicating I had a message. I quickly unlocked it by typing in the four digit pass code and opened the message;

From: Morgan

Training tomorrow with Reid. Be ready at nine and i'll pick you up. school has been informed.


why am I training? I mean, I thought they would tutor me like for exams and stuff...

"So what you gonna do?" Megan's voice brought me out of my trance.

I looked at her an sighed "honestly,i have no idea."

Authors Note:

Hey! sorry for the short chapter and slow update been really busy with school and stuff!

Thanks so much for the 14K reads i can't believe iit thanks for all the votes and great comments and keep letting me know what you think!

Please vote&comment!

Peace out little profilers! 😁

- Brooke :)

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