Battle of the bands...

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Sam's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror, I was rather impressed:
I wore dark blue skinny jeans that fit perfectly, a white t-shirt with red writing which said 'NERD' with cartooned nerd wearing funky glasses, my favourite yet simple black leather jacket which was a present from her aunt which she had received as a package last week along with my black high top converses. my hair fell just below my shoulders, I hadn't dyed it before as it was a chocolate brown.i straightened it and grinned at my reflection. to top it off, I added a little black eyeliner and mascara to bring out my full brown eyes.

Today was battle of the bands. we had finally chose the songs that we were prepared to perform (we chose a lot just incase we decided to change song also that we were prepared if we got through hopefully!)

Love is Easy - McFly
Party - Demi Lovato
Catch Me - Demi Lovato
Heart Attack - Demi Lovato
One Way Or Another - One Direction
Haven't met you yet - Michael Bublè
Broken Strings - James Morrison ft Nelly
We Owned the Night - Lady Antebellum
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5

We were pretty pleased once we finally came up with the final song choices but we still didn't know what order to perform so we eventually agreed on Jamie and Blake's motto of "go with the flow"

Today, the whole school will be outside - luckily we didn't have any classes, bands will be battling it out and showing their true passion for music whilst students would be watching as well as family, friends as townsfolk were also welcome, so there will be a big crowd. Glancing at my clock, I had fifteen minutes before I had to leave, luckily my older brother Joey was giving me a lift to school considering I had to bring both of my guitars and sheet music. once again I quickly looked at myself in the mirror, I approved of my appearance and quickly put on my lucky charm bracelet that James had gotten me for my fourteenth birthday, as well as my plain silver heart shaped locket. grabbing my bag which I had placed by the door I was about to walk out until I spun bak around and grabbed one of my favourite guitar picks that Blake had designed for me which I had also received on my fourteenth birthday, which had a blue background along with the superman logo as he used to call me 'SuperSam' because I was so adventurous and outgoing.

Once I had everything, I ran down the stairs into the kitchen placing my bag in the corner and slipping the guitar pick in my jean pocket , greeting my two brothers and dad. "morning kid! how are ya?" my dad asked as I went over to the coffee machine as well as grabbing a mug from the cupboard it.

"I'm okay, kinda nervous but ya know what, I'm excited to be on stage I guess. how are you?" I asked my dad, we were really close and mostly spoke as friends which was awesome as he wasn't too strict.

"I don't blame you for being nervous, and I can't wait to see my little girl singing her heart out." my dad sounded so cheesy, causing me to roll my eyes before pouring myself a cup of coffee and adding milk and sugar.

I then grabbed a pop tart from Jack's plate, and began to eat it. "Hey! that was mine!" the little boy yelled then pouted.

"Do you want it back?" I asked showing him the remainders in my mouth, don't judge - I'm a child at heart!

This caused him to cringe "eww!" he exclaimed as he looked away. my older brother looked at us and laughed. "Sam you are so like Joey it's unbelievable." our dad told us, causing Joey and I to glare playfully at each other. I glanced at the clock, I had to leave before I was late! I quickly chugged down the remainders of my coffee, hugged my dad and little brother before grabbing my bag and my guitar cases and followed Joey to his truck so he could take me to school.

Emily's POV

At school, we were all here except Sam! "where is she?" James asked impatiently whilst pacing in the limited space. then Blake's phoned bleeped indicating that he had a text. he read it and then grinned "Sam's almost here, Joey gave her a ride." we all sighed in relief, this caused James to relax.

Claire and her posse then walked up to us with evil grins and all laughed. "cant wait to see ya fail at battle of the bands!" Claire sneered, causing a few snickers behind her, I rolled my eyes, megan looked like her blood was boiling.

i put a hand on her shoulder and whispered "calm down, she isn't with it, hopefully she'll trip by accident and fall off stage!" I told her causing a wide grin to spread on her face "who says it has to be an accident." Jamie obviously overheard as he was suffering from fits of hysteric laughter as Claire left with her morons with disgusted expressions but I shrugged it off.

At the corner of my eye, I noticed a familiar red truck pull into the school parking lot, it was Joey and Sam! I grinned "hey guys, Sammy has arrived!" I squealed causing their heads to shot up and we all exchange grins. Sam then got out of the truck, slug her backpack over her shoulder and grabbed both of her guitar cases before waving at Joey and walking over to us with a nervous smile.

"Hey! we need to go and set up for the competition!" James told her, she nodded before placing her guitars to the ground.

"I'm really nervous!" she told us, I gave her a reassuring smile "you're gonna be great!" she nodded with a thanking smile.

"Oh guys, forgot to mention, we'll be the eighth band to perform which will be around eleven thirty." Jamie told us, we all nodded.

"Gives enough time to practise again if we need to." megan suggested, I nodded "yeah good point but what if people bail out, we won't have a lot of time considering we have to sign in and set up." I told her, causing her to shrug.

"We can figure out the order of our songs!" Sam cried and then grabbed her guitar cases before walking ahead, then looked over her shoulder to see that we hadn't moved. "come on!" she yelled before we scrambled after her, trying hard not to laugh.

Sam's POV

We had just got to the sign in check point, I wrote down all our names down and handed back the clipboard to the older student who grinned at all of us. "good luck!" he told us, we all thanked him and went towards the stage on the field. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared... IT WAS FREAKING HUGE! "holy shit!" I muttered under my breath as I was taking it in, my friends were
Speechless. "holy chicken wings that thing is big!" Jamie exclaimed, megan and Emily turned to face him "its bloody huge!" they both said unison, causing us all to laugh before walking backstage.

At eleven clock I was sitting at a table with my friends and we were grinning as we all came up with the order of songs:

Love is Easy - McFly
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5

(The first two songs were for the first round)

Party - Demi Lovato

(For round two)

Heart Attack - Demi Lovato
Catch Me - Demi Lovato

(For round three)

Haven't met you yet - Micheal Bublè
Broken Strings - James Morrison ft Nelly

(Round 4 - Semi Final)

We Owned the Night - Lady Antebellum

(And IF we managed to get to the final)

We would perform Love is Easy by McFly again!

We all looked each other with grins however they soon faded when Claire and Eve walked up to us with smug expressions "hope you trip and fall and most likely you will fail." Eve growled, Claire grinned evilly, blew a kiss before they walked away. I rolled my eyes.

"Good luck guys!" I told them, "remember don't worry if you get anything wrong, just -"

Then Jamie interrupted "GO WITH DA FLOW INIT!" he yelled, we all nodded and grinned

"and carry on but have fun!" James finished off, we all had a group hug before one of the stage crew walked towards us "your band's called 'The Crazy Crew' right?" she asked looking up from her clipboard. I nodded whilst. grinning remembering when we came up with our ridiculously accurate band name. "You're on stage in a minute, follow me!" she smiled as we followed her in silence, I felt a hand squeeze mine, it was James, he he grinned which I returned and too and then I heard "please welcome Sam, James, Megan, Jamie, Blake and Emily otherwise known as 'The Crazy Crew!'" I heard an eruption of applause and cheering, I grinned at my friends, took a deep shaky breath took my microphone and walked up the steps o the stage...

Authors Note:

That was a longer chapter😁 thanks for those who commented and voted! I really appreciate it!

What did you think? was it better?

I'm making the future chapters longer and better :)

Please leave feedback and keep voting, share etc😁😁❤❤






Peace out little Profilers 😁

Brooke :)

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