Fake Tans and Fake Apologies

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Sam's POV

Jealousy. An ugly emotion, yet Sam had never really experienced what it felt like properly. Her true feelings were not usually expressed as much as other people would do. By showing too much emotion, Sam believed could reveal weaknesses, and your weaknesses are used against you.

So James and Claire were apparently a 'thing', word spreads like wildfire, not much to Sam's surprise, it is high school after all. Okay so he's with her, then I wish them the best, as long as he's happy that's all that matters, right?

It was currently 11:30am, the day ha dragged out agonisingly slowly and much to her discomfort, Claire's group are following her, when she's with James who is currently with us. I rolled her eyes at the current conversation between Claire and her minions about what colour is better for your nails during this season. Luckily their desks were a row in front so they didn't see the daggers pointed in their direction.

Tilting my head to the right, towards Megan I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears, her annoyance could be detected a mile away, the way she fidgeted in her seat, bit her lip every so often and kept furiously beating her pen down on the table. Jamie was unusually quiet, not that it was a bad thing but she had noticed a sudden change in her friend, ever since Claire and James began dating.

I leaned towards my left where Emily and Blake were sat, "Hey, I think Meg is gonna explode." I informed them in a hushed tone as the substitute teacher they had been assigned was flapping about papers all over the desk, clearly an unorganised old woman. Emily gave a sympathetic smile, "I know, I don't blame her but she shouldn't let her anger get the better of her or James and Claire's blood will be over the floor." Blake snickered at the snide remark, "Yeah well not much we can do, they seem really 'loved up'" he used his fingers to create quotations in the air. Sam glanced back to see them holding hands on top of the desk and Claire whispering in James' ear. I shrugged and said "Let him be, if he's happy that's cool but I assure you I'm not tolerating him staying with us if it keeps attracting her stupid posse.

My two friends nodded in agreement, the awkwardness was rising and Sam could sense they were headed for some heated arguments later. Soon though it would be lunch time which enabled them to, well, breathe.

The teacher then eventually spoke up, "I'm ever so sorry but I've been given the wrong work, I have to pop to the office and get this sorted, please have a chit chat among yourself a quietly!" she chirped, her British accent shining through every word before she sauntered out of the room.

"Well Blake, Emily, Megan and Jamie, I suppose I must pop out to get a crumpet." I mocked in a fake British accent causing them to erupt in laughter and even Jamie cracked a smile an let out a small laugh. Claire suddenly swivelled in her chair and gave them a look of disgust, "what's so funny?" she demanded, I looked towards Megan who opened her mouth about to say something, probably with a few interesting words of the English language which would've come across as highly offensive so being the great friend that I am, I swooped in to interrupt.

"That's none of your concern, we made a joke and laughed chill out." I said coolly, causing me to earn an ice cold glare and then she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I bet you were just annoyed that I took your boyfriend away from you... oh wait, he's my boyfriend now." This caused snickers among her group of so called friends and I raised a brow which obviously annoyed her.

"You think you're so high and mighty Sam, drop the act, you couldn't be more fake if you tried." Claire sneered causing Eve, who was sat beside her to giggle in agreement. Jamie slammed his fist on the desk and was about to tell but I held a hand up to stop him, "Jamie, I got this."

James sat there, he fidgeted and looked towards Claire uncertainly. I leaned forward towards Claire, aware that our area of the classroom had caught the attention of several other students trying to see what all the commotion was about.

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