Chapter Two (Edited)

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Present Day

Sam's POV

Here I was sat on an uncomfortable, plastic blue chair in the auditorium along with every other student and teacher that attended this school. It was rather surprising when the Principal announced that he had very important news to share with us yesterday morning which caused an uproar of chatter amongst the school. We don't usually receive much interesting news, usually the regular updates from the school board informing us of our progress or that there are try-outs for the sports teams and the occasional groan to do with the poor behaviour of students who decide to play many pranks on anyone they target. In the hallways, the cafeteria and literally every class much to the teachers annoyance, everyone and I mean everyone was trying to guess what the heck all the commotion could be about, even I admit I was intrigued to find out what exactly was going on. Overall it was slightly amusing how much we all had craved this information, and what makes it even more amusing is the disappointment we may have to face once we realise it was probably something stupid anyways.

"What do you think it's all about?" James asked from besides me, I was sat in-between him and Emily, as Blake sat next to James on the other side whereas Megan was sat on the left of Emily and Jamie was on the end of our row next to Emily.

"Well, it could be another visit from the school board or that maybe Claire finally got sent away." I murmured with a slight smirk forming on my lips. I remember my first day at this school when Megan and James mentioned her name with disgust and now I realise the cause of that.

Claire was the stereotypical queen bee of the school unfortunately. And to add even more to the ironic situation, she was gorgeous with long shiny hair and bright eyes as well as a good taste for fashion with very wealthy parents I might add. Her minions that follow her just piled up on the stereotypical personality she carried. Phoebe and Maddie were her so called best friends along with their boy toys Austin, Max and Billy. If I were honest, they definitely were not as bad as the girls they hung around with but they were bullies as well which didn't appeal to me at all. I hated the fact that they thought they were loved by everyone considering they were far too blind to see that nobody was fond of them whatsoever. I would say I made the mistake of getting on the bad side of Claire, but I didn't believe she had much of a good side considering the way she treated the majority of people.

Claire was the type of person to firstly judge you by your social status and lifestyle. If your parents didn't have a lot of money she wouldn't even glance towards your direction and left you alone, so you would say you were safe. If you looked like an easy target, was quiet and were smart well you are in the firing line, she loves to mock those who couldn't stick up for themselves which made me sick, why would you target someone who just enjoyed their education and didn't necessarily make a conversation as often as others? It was ridiculous. She doesn't like a lot of things however the thing that she can't stand the most is when the tables are turned and she is made fun of or humiliated in front of everyone which is exactly what I did on the first day that I stepped into this school.

The lunch period seemed to be going slow, not that I minded though, I really did enjoy being around these guys they were really cool. We were all getting along like a house on fire, throwing jokes and sarcastic remarks around as if we all had been life long friends. They had warned me that a girl called Claire and her friendship group were not exactly as welcoming as they were which I understood completely. In any school that would most likely occur however when I became face to face to her a few moments later, I realised how bitter she actually was.

"So yeah the guy in the shop says to me, 'are you sure you wanna buy all of that?' and I was all like 'yeah dude I have enough money-..." Blake trailed off in the exact moment when I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around slowly to reveal a very pretty girl, along with two girls slightly standing behind her as if they were already in formation.

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