Performing - Part 2

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People say that performing in front of massive crowd can be overwhelming. Let me tell you, they are right. before you step on the massive stage, you get goosebumps on your arms and on the back of your neck, you begin to have sweaty palms and you pulse quickens as the nerves and excitement kick in. as you grab the microphone or your instrument and begin to perform, the music takes you to another place and you just relax and let go, where you can just be yourself. when people say music is a big part of their life, don't judge because its true. music is a magical thing which helps express your emotions if you are unable to speak. music is magic.

Once I finished singing, I placed the microphone back on the stand as my breathing became steady once again. scanning the audience, my dad and family looked extremely proud, the agents from the BAU looked rather impressed, the students were going crazy with their applause and cheering and the teachers looked rather shocked yet extremely pleased. didn't see that coming did ya? I thought.

"Sam!" a voice came from behind me, I looked over my shoulder to see Emily grinning at me "you were great! we knew you could do it!" she yelled then winked, I nodded with a huge smile on my face and waved to the audience before scurrying off stage due to the impatient staff who tried to give us a lecture that we haven't got a lot of time, others had to perform and we took too much time on stage which was unfair, blah blah blah.

Before I knew it, we were back on for the next round which was round three. Shane's band and Claire's band are also still in the competition, I don't really mind if we come last or third or whatever I just wanna have fun and express my passion for music - cheesy, I know but it's true!

I grabbed my water and followed the others onto the stage, I grinned once the audience roared, I can never get used to this I thought before I tossed y water to Jamie who caught it in one hand, ah so he is a ninja! I thought before standing in front of the microphone on centre stage.

"Okay so for this round, we will be performing to songs by Demi Lovato, first up is Heart Attack."

I took a deep breath, I admit, I was nervous! this song had a big vocal range and I really don't wanna mess up! I looked at my dad for reassurance, he gave a thumbs up and a smile. I glanced in the direction of the agents, Morgan caught my eye as he winked and I couldn't help but grin. the music kicked in and I began to sing:

"Putting my defenses up
Cause I don't wanna fall in love,

If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack

Never put my love out on the line,
Never said yes to the right guy,

Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you I'm never good enough,

When I don't care
I can play him like a Ken doll,

Won't wash my hair
Then make him bounce like a basketball

But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear high heels

Yes you, make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand

You make me glow
But I cover up, won't let it show

So I'm putting my defenses up
Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack

I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack

Never break a sweat for the other guys
When you come around I get paralyzed
And every time I try to be myself
It comes out wrong like a cry for help

It's just not fair
Brings more trouble than it all is worth
I gasp for air
It feels so good, but you know it hurts

But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear perfume
For you, make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand

You make me glow
But I cover up, won't let it show

So I'm putting my defenses up
Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack

The feelings got lost in my lungs
They're burning, I'd rather be numb
And there's no one else to blame
So scared I'll take off and run
I'm flying too close to the sun
And I'll burst into flames (A/N megan and Emily join in here as back up singers)

You make me glow
But I cover up, won't let it show
So I'm putting my defenses up
Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack
Heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack - tack
Oh I think I'd have a heart attack
I think I'd have a heart attack!"

I took a deep breath as the applause and cheers almost deafened me! I grinned and Jamie tossed me my water which I caught easily, causing Jamie to whistle and I winked at him before chugging it down. one of the stage managers ran on, placing down a stool, bringing the mic stand towards it and handing my guitar. "good luck!"he muttered before running off. "thanks!" I chirped and placed my water beside the right hand side of my stool.

I was about to speak into the mic again but remembered my guitar pick! I grabbed it from out of my jean pocket and grinned before saying "Okay we're gonna slow things down a little bit, the next song is called Catch Me."

My fingers lightly strummed the strings on my guitar and I began to sing:

"Before I fall too fast
Kiss me quick but make it last,

So I can see how badly this will hurt me when you say goodbye,

Keep it sweet, keep it slow,

Let the future pass and don't let go,

But tonight I could fall too soon into this beautiful moonlight,

But you're so hypnotizing,

You've got me laughing while I sing,
You've got me smiling in my sleep

And I can see this unraveling,
Your love is where I'm falling,

But please don't catch me...

See this heart won't settle down,
Like a child running scared from a clown,

I'm terrified of what you do,
My stomach screams just when I look at you,

Run far away so I can breathe,
Even though you're far from suffocating me,
I can't set my hopes too high
'Cause every "Hello" ends with a "Goodbye",

(A/N other music and background singers slowly kick in)
But you're so hypnotizing,
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep,

And I can see this unraveling,
Your love is where I'm falling

But please don't catch me...

So now you see why I'm scared,
I can't open up my heart without a care,

But here I go, It's what I feel,

And for the first time in my life I know it's real

But you're so hypnotizing,
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep,

(A/N Jamie on the drums goes mental ;) )
And I can see this unraveling,
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me,

If this is love please don't break me
I'm giving up so just catch me..."

I stand up and sling my guitar on my back and grin, judging by the looks on my friends faces, they were pretty impressed too! we all waved our goodbyes before scurrying off stage to avoid another lecture.

"That was absolutely amazing, Sam you rocked it!" Emily cried, I grinned at her and gave her a hug.

"It was good fun! I can't believe the way the audience keeps reacting like that though, its insane!" I cried whilst spinning around in circles whilst my friends joined in laughing like kids.

"Okay, so I was thinking..." Jamie caught us by surprise by saying this but we tuned in and listened, "that we should change songs because I think Claire chose the same as us on purpose." he explained and the smile dropped from all of our faces.

"But what are we gonna do?" Blake asked with a frown.

"Claire's gonna pay. one way or another." megan muttered and I instantly thought of a song.

"Why don't we sing One Direction - One Way or Another? I mean, everyone knows it, right? and it's upbeat! and we could sing happily, like all of us, and get Shane's band to play the music for us?" I told them all my plan and eventually grins and smiles creeped onto our faces.

"Lets do it!" James yelled and we all laughed as it all worked out...

Authors Note:


secondly I really enjoyed writing this chapter and hoped you enjoyed! stay tuned for performing part 3 and I promise I will post it ASAP!

Thank you to those who have been reading and have got me to 1.2K I can't believe it I was in shock! I love you all!






Enjoy ;)

Peace out little profilers😁

Brooke :)

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