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Nara's POV

I never thought planning a wedding would be so difficult. We are three months in now and I'm ready to throw in the towel with Alex's parents. Her mother hates all of my ideas and it's not her wedding. She shouldn't have a say in anything.

"Mama went to work, already?" Carter asks.

"Yeah, sweetie." I tell him.

"The baby is crying." He says.

Shit! These twins are also driving me insane. When one falls asleep the other one wakes up. I thought they would be connected and do stuff together.

I run into the nursery and go to Audrey's crib and pick her up. She is normally the one that cries. She cries all the time because she is so spoiled. It's all Alex's fault for always holding her. Noelle, on the other hand, isn't use to being held because she just came home from the hospital and we weren't allowed to hold he in there.

"It's okay, pretty girl. Please go back to sleep. Mommy really needs to sleep." I try pleading with the girl, but of course she just cries louder. It's probably because I'm not Alex.

I walk out of the room so Audrey doesn't wake up Noelle. "Let's call mama." I say as she screams her little lungs off.

I FaceTime Alex and as soon as her face pops up in front of Audrey she stops crying. "Hey there Di!" Alex smiles through the phone. She came up with nicknames for the twins calling Audrey, Di, for Diurnal because she stays up all day and Noelle, Noc, for nocturnal because she stays up all night.

"She missed me huh?" Alex asks.

"You should just start taking her to work with you because I'm losing my mind."

"I'm sorry baby. How about I get off early and we get a sitter if you know what I mean?" She winks and wiggles her eyebrows causing both me and Audi, my nickname for Audrey, to laugh.

"I'm serious."

"Fine, but I'm holding you to it so you better keep your word."

"Okay I will. I'll be home soon alright."

"Alright, bye."

"I love you."

"Love you too. Say bye Audi."

"Bye Di."

I hang up the phone and once Audi is calm I put her back in her crib.


When Alex gets home she keeps her word, but instead of a sitter we drop all three kids off at her parents's house and drive to some random house.

"Who lives here?" I ask her.

"Oh just some old couple."

"Just some old couple?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well they're not old yet, but give them like thirty years and they will be. Their kids will be gone and they'll have grandkids running around the house."

"Let me guess, they have three kids right?" I ask gazing out the car window at the house.

"No, they have about five kids. The eldest son has his own family by now, the twins are working on their careers, then the fourth kid is in college, and the baby is still in high school."

"That's a lot of kids."

"Yeah, but it's also a lot of love. Do you wanna go check out the house?"

I nod and jump out the car. Alex walks around and grabs my hand and kisses it. She leads me up the three steps to the front door and unlocks it.

"This house is amazing."

"It has six bedrooms, five bathrooms, an office, built in movie theater, an attic, and a basement. Oh I almost forgot the pool and the balcony in our room."

"You bought this house for us?"

"Yes. I bought this house for our family." She kisses me and then starts to give me the tour.

"The outside doesn't look like it would be this lavish." I admit.

"I know how much you hate being spoiled, but the inside represents a little bit more of me. Don't worry you'll love our bedroom." She laughs and leads the way. I have to say that I truly cannot wait to marry the great Alexandra Sydney Hunt.

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