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It's been two weeks and still no word from Alex. She even missed a doctor's appointment. She sent Anthony to fill in for her. Anthony! He talked about his dislike for kids the entire time.

I've had enough of her ignoring me, so I'm going to her office. I walk right passed the front desk and to her office. The secretary has seen me plenty of times anyway.

"What do you think you're doing?" Alex raises an eyebrow at me.

"Stop ignoring me." I tell her. "I can't take it. Why are you ignoring me?"

"You're married, Nara. You have a wife and you kept it hidden from me. You're technically in breach of contract. I can sue you."

"You're gonna sue me because I'm married to a woman that I lost contact with for two years?"

"It's still a marriage." She shrugs. "Not to mention you let me fall in love with you, Nara. You lead me on and all the time you knew you were married."

"I'm married okay!" I shout. "I made a lot of mistakes in my life and I keep paying for them. I'm sorry just talk to me." I take a seat across from her desk and look at her with pleading eyes.

"What else?" She asks.

"What do you mean what else?"

"What other secrets are there? You told me about drugs and alcohol, but you couldn't tell me about marriage?"

"My name." I sigh.


"My name is Nirvana Jasmine Nichols-Cassidy. Nara is a nickname my dad use to call me, so I've been going by it since he died. I rushed into my marriage with Sage at eighteen. I was stupid and I thought I was in love. The only reason we never got a divorce is because we so fucked up and I felt that if I saw her I might just break all over again."

"I'm sorry about ignoring you. I know it was wrong, but it gave me some time to think."

"About what?"

"I want to give us a shot. A real shot. I want us to work." She smiles. I nod my head and walk around the table to kiss her.

"I want to give this a chance too."


I am on cloud nine after leaving Alex's office. I hate that she has to work so much. Why can't she just be rich without work? She could just live off her parents for the rest of her life. It's not like they can't afford it. Oh god! I sound so spoiled.

When I reach my apartment I see Sage waiting outside my door. "What are you doing here?" I demand. "Did Karla not curse you out yet?"

"She's not here unless she just isn't answering." Sage informs me.

"What do you want? You should be here." I say as I unlock my door and walk in.

"You need to get me my job back. She fired me for no reason and I need that money."


"Why what?"

"Why do you need that money? Your parents were pretty well off and you should have gotten your grandma's inheritance last year, so why do you need money?"

"My parents don't care about me anymore. Once I married a woman that they thought was just a friend, our relationship just wasn't the same."

"Is that why they started leaving on holidays?" I ask remembering how every holiday Sage's would fly to Florida or Hawaii instead of spending it with the rest of the family.

"Exactly, then when they found out about the drugs they washed their hands of me." She sighs.

"You still have your inheritance."

"Nope, that's all gone. Daddy made sure he took that away when he kicked me out of the family."

"I'm sorry Sage. I really am, but there is nothing I can do." I tell her.

"Nara please. You are literally the only family I have left. At least try an help me."

"I'm not your family."

"We are still married."

"I want a divorce. I'm going to go file tomorrow."

"No, no way is that happening." She demands.

"It is."

"You don't get to divorce me sweetheart. You cheated more times than I can even count. You are in direct violation of our prenup."

"Are you fucking serious?!" I scream at her. "You cheated too."

"I don't remember signing anything declaring I'll be faithful."

"Fine, I'll get you your job back."

"I'm not signing divorce papers anytime soon dear." She smirks and walks towards me. I step back until my back hits the kitchen counter. She pecks my lips and winks as she walks towards the door.

"I'll be back soon to check on my wife. I think you should read over our prenup."

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