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I knock on the door of penthouse and rock back and forth on my heels waiting for an a answer. I should just turn around now. It's not too late to back out.

"Hello." A flamboyant man answers the door. His hair was short and died green at the top. Damn it! He's definitely going to need my egg.

"Come on in." He smiles. I gulp and walk inside the lavish apartment.

"Please have a seat. Alex will be it shortly." He smiles and sits across from me on a white couch. Everything was white, except for the red sofa I was sitting on.

"How old are you miss..."

"Nara. Nara Nichols."

"How old are you Nara?" He asks as he eats a strawberry that was placed neatly alongside other fruits on the coffee table.

"I'm twenty three."

"So young." He says. "Why do you wanna be a surrogate?"

"The pay is good." I laugh nervously.

"Can't deny that. I would never pay that much for a baby. All they do is make messes and shit everywhere." He laughs.


"What are you telling my guest, Anthony?" Says a blonde woman as she walks into the living room.

"Alex, you know I'm only joking. I love kids. Especially yours." Anthony says sarcastically as he plops another strawberry into his mouth.

"So Alex isn't a guy?" I think outloud causing a smirk to appear on the woman's face.

"Not the last time I checked." The woman smiles. "I'm Alexandra Hunt."

The name ringed in my head. It was so familiar, but where have I heard that name from.

"Nara Nichols." I smile.

"Anthony here is my friend and employee. Excuse anything he says please."

"So who is your husband then?" I ask.

"There is no husband dear." Alex says sitting next to me on the red sofa. "Anthony you can excuse yourself now."

Anthony mumbles something under his breath before disappearing to some part of the apartment. "Is there anything you want to know before you agree to do this?" She asks me.

"I don't think so, no."

"Really?" She raises an eyebrow. "Well, there are a few things to discuss. First and foremost the baby. This baby will be my baby and he or she will live here with me and you will have no rights to it. Yes, I do have a child already. I have a five year old son, Carter. You will be signing a contract giving your rights up and stating that you agree to give me the baby once it is born. You will also be agreeing not to do anything harmful to the baby while it is inside you. You will do what I say and you will not engage in any work, extreme physical activity, nor any romantic relationships."

"Where is Carter?" I ask her.

"All that and all you care about is my son?" She laughs. A beautiful laugh.

"What should I care about? You gave me the rules and I understand them. You want this baby to be healthy."

"You understand that we will be using your egg, right?"

"My egg?"

"Yes, I have tried numerous times to fertilize my own, but it never ends successfully." She sighs.

"Why do you want this baby?" I ask her.

"For my son." She smiles. "I am all he has besides my parents and siblings, but if I died today he would be all alone. I want him to have a close bond with a sibling like I had growing up. I want him to have as close as a normal childhood as possible."

"Where is his father?" I wonder.

"He's never been there for him. He's an asshole, but my son doesn't need him in his life anyway."

"So when do we start?" I wonder.

"As soon as you sign these." She smiles and hands me a packet at least ten pages or so. Woah, this is starting to become so real.

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