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Billy and Jamison are throwing a Valentine's Day party and of course they wanted me to invite Alexandra. Actually Jamison wanted me to invite her, so I did.

"Happy Valentine's Day." I smile when I hear Alex's voice. I still don't know why I get so happy around her.

"Happy Valentine's Day." I tell her. She thanks me and gives me a tiny bag.

"You have to stop with the gifts." I tell her.

"I'll stop when I feel like it." She rolls her eyes. "Now open it."

I open the bag and pull out a small box. When I open the box I see a pair of rub earrings that match perfectly with the dress I am currently wearing. It's probably because Alex bought this for me as well. She's really spoiling me.
"Oh thank you!" I shout and smash my lips to hers without even thinking about it. She smirks as I stare at her in horror. Did I really just do that?

"I was going to tease you for not getting me anything, but that's probably better than anything you could have bought me." She smirks.

"I'm so sorry. I just..I don't even know."
"It's fine, Nara. Seriously.

"I should go say hi to the host."

I find Billy, Jamison, and Karla sitting down at a table. I rush over to them and I want to tell them what happened, but Billy and Jamison rush off.

"Where are they going?" I wonder.

"They have to make a speech or something." Karla shrugs and then rotates in her seat.

"Are you okay?" I wonder.

"Yeah. This baby is just making me uncomfortable." She sighs in frustration.

"Are you sure?" I ask her and she nods. "I kissed Alex." I whisper the last part.

"You what!"

"I know. I really shouldn't have, but it just sort of happened."

"What was her response? Is she even gay?" Karla asks with an amused expression.

"She smiled."

"She's totally into you, Nara. She actually likes you. Alexandra Hunt likes you."

"You make it seem like I'm just so repulsive."

"No it's the exact opposite." She smiles and then it fades as she looks somewhere else in the room.

"What are you looking at?" I ask as I follow her gaze.

An unwelcome guest. "What the fuck is she doing here?" I demand as I look at my ex-girlfriend. We broke up two years ago during a very bad time in my life.

"Just ignore her." Karla says. I nod and take a seat next to Karla. Don't focus on her and she will go away. She will go away. She will...walk right up to you with Alex and Anthony by her side.

"Nara, meet Sage. She's my hair stylist." Alex smiles.

"Nice to see you made something of yourself." I say glaring at Sage.

"You know each other?" Anthony wonders.

"Very well actually." Sage smiles and fiddled with her thumbs.

"You should leave. You aren't welcome here." Karla says sternly.

"What's wrong? Billy said we could invite anyone." Anthony says.

"I'm not here to cause trouble." Sage claims.

"You cause trouble everywhere you go." I accuse her.

"You're nothing b-" Karla stops and clutches her side.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I rush to her side.

"Ahh." She whines. "I think I'm in labor."

"Billy! Jamison!" I scream. "We have a situation!"

The couple runs to Karla and start edging her towards the exit. They seem so prepared for this while I'm freaking out and it isn't even my kid.

"Can we talk?" Sage asks as she grabs my arm.

I shove her hand away and glare at her. "Do you really think this is a good time? My best friend is in labor and the last thing I want to think about is you let alone talk to you." Thee was nothing, but pure hatred in my voice and behind every word. Sage Tyler will never get to me again.

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