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Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. Be brave Nara. You are doing the right thing. This is a good thing. A child will be born and loved by a mother and a big brother.

"You are shaking." Alex frowns at me.

"It's totally normal to be nervous. Do you need a minute?" Dr.Lanix wonders.

"I just have a question."

"What is it?" Alex wonders.

"Who's the dad?"

"You mean who's sperm is it?" She asks and I nod. "Don't worry it's nobody random. I did many background checks and medical checks on him even though I've known him my entire life."


"My friend, Justin Robin."

"The actor?" I ask. She nods and grabs my hand. I guess it was her of telling me she was ready to proceed.

"Are you ready?" Dr.Lanix asks.

"Yes, proceed please." I tell her.

I stare up at the ceiling as I feel a slight discomfort. I expect it to fade away or increase or do something, but it doesn't. It just stays until its nothing.

"All done." Dr.Lanix smiles. "Now you should go home and rest for a few days. Remember no sex, no drinking, no nothing until we know if your pregnant or not."

I nod and Alex takes my hand. She helps up and make her turn around as I change out of the hospital gown and into my skinny jeans and blue blouse.

She turns back around and watches me out on my black converse. I guess I was taking too long because she bent down and tied my shoes for me. I thank her and then we head out.


Alex drops me off at home and once again Billy and Jamison are arguing and Karla is in her own world watching her Spanish operas.

"What's going on now?" I wonder.

"He wants the name to change again." Jamison complains. "He doesn't even want me apart of her name."

"What are you talking about?" Billy demands. "I never said that."

"You might as well. Rose Richards Gardner. Not two last names, but literally her middle name will be my last name."

"I don't see anything wrong with it." Billy claims.

"You want me out of the baby's life. Is it because I'm not her biological father and you are?" Jamison wonders.

"Jamie, stop. I love you and I wasn't trying to hurt you." Billy says calmly as he brings Jamison in for a hug and kisses him.

"Y'all need to stop arguing. The baby will be here almost any day now and y'all need to get everything straightened out before she does." Karla scolds them.

"You're right. I'm sorry I overreacted. The name is not even the biggest issue. We haven't even painted her room yet and we have to put all the furniture up." Jamison says.

"I can help." I tell them. "I like painting and I no longer have a job."

"Did you get pregnant?" Billy asks.

"Don't know yet, but Alex wanted me stress free before we even started." I explain.

"I'll help too." Karla says. "I'll tell you if she kicks or not and if she does it mean she's doesn't approve of the room."

"Thank you guys." Jamison smiles. "I really hope the designs I picked work out."


It's been a few weeks since I've seen Jamison or Billy, but today is the day we create the nursery at their house. We should have painted weeks ago, but they have been procrastinating and Karla still hasn't gone into labor.

Billy and Jamison live in a one story, four bedroom, three bathroom, house with a pool in the back. I only know this because they threw a baby shower here a few months ago when they found out it was a girl.

"We chose this room because its closest to our room." Jamison says as we stand in the center of an empty white room.

"What color are we painting it?" I wonder.

"Lavender." Billy says as he walks in with a mask in his hand. "Here, put this on." He says giving the mask to Karla, so she doesn't inhale any of the paint or whatever he is worried about.

"Lay the sheets down so we don't paint the carpet." Billy orders. I nod and start laying the sheets down.

Karla turns on the music on her phone and we all start painting. The paint Jamison picked out looks really good, especially with the way the light shines through the window. Any little girl would be lucky to have this room. I want this room.

After painting we pick up all the sheets and start adding the furniture. We didn't let anything touch the walls for obvious reasons, but overall the room looked nice.

"Look guys

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"Look guys." Karla says as she lifts her shirt up and rubs her stomach. "She's kicking."

Billy gets down on his knees and places his hands on her stomach. They looked like a real family besides the fact that Billy is gay and Karla is just a surrogate.

"Let me take a picture." I say reaching for my phone.

Out of nowhere I start to feel light headed. The room gets a little foggy and Karla looks at me weird.

"Are yo okay?" Jamison asks as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Y-" No...what's happening....I'm falling...

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