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Karla's POV

I knock on Billy's door. I know I shouldn't be here, but I just thought he would want to know about Nara and the twins.

"What are you doing here, Karla?" He demands. He stands there with a sweaty dripping down his abs.

"Were you working out?" I wonder.


"I just wanted to let you know that Nara had her twins. It was really emotional too and one of them might not even make it."

"I know already Karla." He says seeming annoyed.

"How?" I wonder.

"Baby, are you coming back for more or what?" That Anthony dude says as he walks up behind Billy and kisses his cheek.

"Oh so you're still cheating on Jamison?!" I scream at him. "You just like getting bent over!"

"First off I'm not the one bending over." Billy smirks. "And secondly Jamison and I are getting a divorce."

"Fuck you Billy! I hope my child acts nothing like you when he or she is born!" I don't know why I felt the need to show up at his house. He is nothing, but heartache for me.


I walk into the doctor's office and immediately press my lips to his. He is caught off guard, but soon kisses me back while shutting the door behind us.

He pulls away panting for air and wipes his lips. "Karla, what has gotten into you?" He asks.

"Dr.Ramos, I'm over him. I finally realized I'm over him today." I sigh.

"I think after a kiss like that you can call me Ricardo." He smirks. "But if we go any further I'll have to refer you back to your old doctor because she just came back yesterday."

"Go ahead and refer me then." I say smashing my lips to his again. He picks me up and lays me down on the desk. This is going to feel so good. I'm so happy my stomach isn't completely out there yet.


"That was amazing." Ricardo breathes out.

"I'm filing for custody of my daughter." I tell him.

"Is that what you were thinking about the whole time?" He raises an eyebrow.

I laugh and shake my head. "No, no. It just came to my mind I swear, but I just glanced over at the picture of your daughter and realized I want that." I say looking at the pictures on the wall. He has a four year old daughter named Camila and his wife died during childbirth. He told me all of this at one of my hospital visits.

"That's understandable and I think you should do it. If you need me in anyway I will be there for you."

"Really?" I wonder.

"Of course." He says kissing me again. "Now I have to get back to work, but I want you to have dinner with me, okay? I'll call you." He smiles.

I just nod and kiss him one last time before heading out. I hope this goes better than Billy and me. I can't take another heartbreak.

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