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"Nara?" I hear a sweet voice calling my name. I open my eyes and see Alex hovering over me. "Are you alright?"

"What happened?" I ask her.

"You fainted, but you're fine now. Your roommate called me and told me what happened. I told you no physical activity." She scolds me.

"I was only painting."

"And moving furniture." She says angrily. "I'm just glad you and the baby are alright."

"Baby? It worked?"

"Yes, you're pregnant." She smiles.

"T-That's great." Oh my God! I honestly didn't think it would happen this fast. There is actually a life inside of me now. A really life human being.

"Well, I'll leave you to talk to your friends for now, but I'll be back to pick you up in the morning." She kisses my forehead and smiles at me before leaving. She kissed my forehead? She must really be happy.

"I can't believe I got to meet Alexandra." Jamison beams as he walks into the room behind Karla and Billy.

"Are you okay?" Karla asks. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I'm fine." I assure her. "Just pregnant."

"How cute." Jamison says. "You have little Nara Hunt in there."

"I doubt Alex would name her baby after me." I tell him.

"You know what I mean." Jamison rolls his eyes.

Knock. Knock.

We all turn our head to the door to see Anthony standing there with a big bear in his arms. "Sorry to interrupt, but Alex wanted me to give you this. She's says it's just a small token of her appreciation."

"That's far from small." Karla says snatching the bear from Anthony.

"Ant?" Billy raises an eyebrow.

"Billy?!" Anthony screams and hugs Billy.

"It's been so long." Billy says.

Jamison clears his throat and steps in front of Billy. It's kind of funny to see him so jealous. "Anthony this is my partner, Jamison." Billy says.

"Who are you?" Jamison demands.

"We are old friends." Anthony says. "Anyways I have to get back to Alex, but it was nice seeing you again Billy and feel better Nara."

"I don't like him." Jamison says immediately after Anthony walks out. I giggle to myself and turn my head as he glares at me.

"Anthony is a nice man."

"He looked too friendly." Jamison claims. "I don't like it."

"Babe, he's just a friend." Billy assures him.

"He sure better be." Jamison demands.


Sure enough Alex is at the hospital first thing in the morning with my discharge papers. "You need to be more careful now that we know for sure." She says as the nurse pushes my wheelchair to the car.

The driver quickly hops out and helps me inside of the black escalade. I'm surprised to see a small boy with a curly Afro when I step inside the car.

"Carter, say hi to Nara. She's the one I told you about." Alex says sweetly.

"Hi. Where is my brother?"

"He isn't done cooking just yet." I joke around with him. He laughs and then sighs once he realizes that his brother is not yet here.

"If he wants a brother then what do you want?" I ask Alex.

"A son will do just fine. Girls are far too much to handle. I honestly feel sorry for your friends. They don't know how hard it will be." She says.

"I'm sure Billy and Jamison will do just fine."

"Are you sure? They argue a lot already and that's not good for a child." She says.

"How do you know they argue?" I wonder.

"I know everything sweetheart." She smirks and then starts typing away on her phone. There is something about Alexandra Hunt. Something that makes me despise her, yet want to get to know her all at the same time.

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