Goosebumps were spreading along over Thorn's skin, my gaze lazily following his reaction to me being up close and personal before he spun around, just as I took another step forwards.

A soft exhale slipped from his lips, eyes wide as they flitted over my face nervously before they hardened slightly as he shoved his hands between us and tried to push me away.

Tried being the keyword, because he didn't manage to push me back. My lip curled up in a lopsided smirk as his gaze unintentionally drew downwards towards his paler hands on my tanned chest. His fingers fanned out just over my pectorals, hiding the darker skin around the nipple.

My muscles shifted slightly as I inhaled and Thorn shivered, much to my amusement and interest. He noticed and quickly stepped back, scowling at me. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked, the words flying from his lips as if cursing yet entrancing at the same time.

I smiled, my eyes probably darkening with lust as they scanned over his bare chest, abdomen carved nicely with muscles without being overly build and a small dusting of hair trailing down, teasingly disappearing under the edge of his pants.

When I managed to drag my eyes back up, I noticed that Thorn was growing quite a temper of his own, giving the way his eyes were shooting daggers at me. I tilted my head slightly while crossing my arms over my chest before I simply motioned with my head over Thorn's shoulder.

He frowned and turned before stopping when his eyes settled on Lyra, who was now slowly petting the scales on Alduin's nose. Alduin's eyes were heavily lidded, tail slowly curling around the fragile girl as her companion, Blake, sat back in the grass and kept a weary eye on both dragon and girl.

I could clearly see the muscles on Thorn's shoulders as they tensed before slightly relaxing, the curves of his back reacting to the anxiety he was pouring off in waves. Alduin tilted his head the slightest bit while I stepped up behind Thorn so that only a small breath would fill the gap between us.

My chin was level with his head as I looked down at the curves of his neck, barely leaning down as I kept my eyes fixed purely on him. "They're fine with Alduin, your worry is only being pushed on them and they act on that." I whispered in his ear, making sure that my lips were just that close enough that they skimmed the surface of his skin.

Thorn froze before his elbow jabbed backwards, aiming straight for my stomach but I grabbed it and stopped him, flashing him another slow and tempting grin. Alduin shifted his head so one of those imitating golden eyes was observing me to the bone.

"What are you up to?"

My smile widened as his voice echoed through my head, spoken too low for the humans and Thorn to hear. At least, that was what I thought because I heard a inhale coming from Blake as his head slowly turned towards the dragon, whilst Thorn's eyes narrowed threateningly, an obvious reaction to Alduin's words.

I pursed my lips slightly, slowly walking around Thorn whilst sending a single thought towards Alduin. "Checking a theory. Thorn's powers only come to the forefront when he feels threatened or annoyed. Basically, his instincts rule his powers-"

A flicker of smoke and sparks of flames flowed out of Alduin's widened nostrils as he got what I was doing. The lights were already starting to flicker, barely but it was a start. Thorn's temper was already pushing his Phantasm manipulation to the forefront.

My eyes scanned the room swiftly and I nearly smirked when I saw the barely there flicker of light combined with dark. The entity was called by Thorn's growing anger at my constant prodding and poking.

Its not like I'm not getting anything out of this...I can only imagine how it feels like to actually hold that gorgeous man against me, amongst other things.

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