Chapter Sixteen: Reasons To Not Give Maddison A taser.

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I picked at the edges of my clean gauze while I watched the scenery go by. We packed up all of mine and Tim's stuff, checked out of our room and piled into Tim's car. I checked through all of our stuff but the journal was completely gone with no trace of the key. We're apparently heading up north, closer to Oregon, to find one of Evan's 'friends'. I had my mother's ring on the ring finger of my left hand, mostly because it was the only finger it fit on. Tim was driving while Evan was in the passenger seat giving occasional directions and I'm in the back seat staring out the window. We are going to go find a guy named Noah and hopeful get him to let us stay in his room. Tim gave me a short sleeved shirt to wear, as to not fuck up the gauze on my arms, and I wore one of my pairs of shorts as to not fuck up my leg. Tim also bought me some pain med to dull the pain, but they weren't doing too much. Evan hadn't changed his clothes,which is so gross, and Tim was wearing a blue shirt with a yellowy-orange hood-less greaser jacket. I still can't shake the feeling that I've met Evan before and it's really starting to annoy me.

We've been driving for around six hours now and we pulled into a small town to get dinner. Evan said something about an amazing restaurant here and was giving Tim directions, but we got lost. I continued to watch the outline houses pass as Tim and Evan argued up front.

"Where's this amazing restaurant at again?"

"Shut up. It was around here, I swear."

They continued to bicker, and me, getting very annoyed by the two, say, "You two sound like an old married couple."

"Oh haha Maddison, very original," Tim comments sarcastically as a pair of blue and red lights began to shine through that back window and a police siren goes off. "Well, great."

Tim pulls to the side of the road while Evan asks, "What did you do?"

"Fuck. I don't know. I was driving the speed limit, all of our seat belts are on, and I know my back tail lights aren't out since Maddison just replaced them," Tim explains, rolling down his window and pulling out his wallet.

The officer walks up to the car and flashes a light across the inside of the car temporarily blinding me.

"License and registration."

"What seems to be the problem officer?" I hear Tim ask as I rub my eyes.

"We got a report of a suspicious car driving through this neighborhood. T wouldn't happen to be you would it?" his voice sounds familiar.

"Oh, sorry officer. We got lost trying to find a restaurant that was suppose to be around here."

"I'm guessing you mean the Shari's that's not too far from here?" Why does his voice sound familiar. Why does everyone I meet have a familiar voice?

"Yeah that's the one!" Evan pipes from his seat.

"I can give you directions, just give me a moment."

I could see him pass by the back windows through my still half blinded eyes.

"Told you it was around here," Evan remarked.

We waited for a few minutes but, the officer didn't come back. What's taking him so long? Just as I thought that two more cars pulled up around us.

Now confused and a bit scared, I ask, "What the fuck is going on?"

Three officers exited the two new cars and started towards us with their guns out.

One of them called out, "The two men in the front seat! Get out of the car with your hands up!"

Tim and Evan looked at each other, looked back at me, then back at each other and began to get out of the car.

I quickly began to unbuckle myself before Tim turned towards me and said, "Stay. We'll get this sorted out."

I watched them in confusion and fear as they got out of the car and the police approached them. I heard the door behind me click open and I was grabbed from the car. Confused and quite scared, I began to thrash around.

"Calm down we aren't going to hurt you Maddi," It was the officer from before, but how does he know my name? Especially my old nickname.

I stopped struggling and looked up at the officer. It was Mike. My old neighbor friend. How?!? He set me on the ground in front of his car where I could see the other police arresting Tim and Evan. Watched what was happening in horror and worry.

"Don't worry about those two. Once we lock em' up they won't be able to hurt you any more. You family will be so happy to know you're safe now and away from your captors," He says with his weirdly southern like accent.

I looked at him in rage and yelled, "HURT ME!?! THEY DID NOTHING TO HURT ME! THEY KEPT ME ALIVE!"

Mike looked at me with a panicked expression. I looked back at Evan and Tim. Evan was struggling as two police officers tried to put the handcuffs on him, while Tim had seemingly given up. The third officer was next to Tim. I can't let this happen. I can't Let this happen to them. I turned around and socked Mike in the face, catching him off guard and knocking him backwards. I grabbed his taser from off his belt. I pulled myself onto my feet and darted toward the two officers that were holding Evan down. One noticed me coming and stood up to say something. Before he could get anything out, I pointed the taser at his chest and pulled the trigger. The two prongs hit him and he collapsed the floor, convulsing from the shocks. I took my finger off the trigger, leaving the officer on the ground. The other officer looked at me in shock before going to pull out his taser. I clicked of the top of the taser and charged at him. Hitting the trigger again, the taser became more of a stun gun and I smashed it into the cop's side. He quickly hit the ground and the third cop looked at me in terror while Tim looked at me in confusion. I hopped over Evan, who was just now getting off the ground, and tackled the third cop to the ground. I'm going to hate myself so much tomorrow. The guy went down pretty quickly and was knocked out when he hit the ground.

"Holy shit, Maddison! You're fucking awesome," I hear Evan say from behind me.

I searched the officer quickly, grabbing the keys for Tim's handcuffs and his taser. I stood up slowly, my leg now screaming in pain and turned around. I walked past Tim and Evan, who was walking towards me, and headed towards Mike, who was still watching in horror.

I got right up in front of him, pointed the loaded taser at his chest, and said, loud and clear, "Next time you fuck with my friends, it won't be a taser that will be held at your chest," and pulled the trigger, causing him to convulse and pass out.

I threw the gun down, turned around, and walked towards Tim. He was still looking at me in confusion as I bent down behind him and unlocked his handcuffs.

I stood up, still holding the handcuffs and a taser, and said, "Evan, get Tim into the back of the car and get into the passenger seat. I'll be there in a moment."

I went to Mike's patrol car and hopped in. I grabbed Tim's license and his car's registration. His in car computer was still on and his radio was going off. I checked the computer to see that he didn't make any kind of report on this. Fucking Idiot. I clicked his computer off, unhooked it from it's base, grabbed its handle, and hopped out of the car. I crossed the 'scene' and hopped into the driver's seat. Tim was still in shock as I threw the taser and the computer into the back seat next to him. The car was still running so I clicked on my seat belt, threw the car into drive, and began driving, heading back for the freeway.

RunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora