Chapter Nineteen: Memories drifting out of my mind.

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I continued to watch the Tv as me and Noah waited for Evan and Tim to change and come back down stairs. Noah wasn't paranoid like before. He is a very weird person, very cussy, but nice. I wasn't really paying attention to the Tv. I was lost in thought of how nice today had been.

Until I heard Noah ask, "So, how are you and Tim related? Are you two dating, are you guys siblings? You two seem to be pretty close." I sighed. I was waiting for this question to come up. He had been eyeing us any time me and Tim were talking or doing shit.

I calmly answer, "We aren't dating and we aren't siblings. We ended up living together after a mistake I made."

Noah looked genuinely surprised at my answer, but instead of questioning it he noted, "I think I've seen you before."


"Yeah. I think I've seen you in a video."

Completely skeptical, I looked over at him and asked, "A video?"

"Uh. Yeah. I have a youtube account and sometimes video's will pop up on it that I've never seen and I swear you showed up in one."


Before either of us could say anything else Tim came scampering down the stairs in a complete panic.

He ran over to us, panting and said, "We're leaving now!"

"What? Why?" I ask, confused about what's happening, and worried about Tim.

"Evan's gone insane! He was threatening me with a knife and is acting completely different!"

"Oh, well.... That's not good," I respond calmly, knowing I have a taser in my pajama pants' pocket. I grabbed when we were moving some things out of the car but forgot to put it away.

Noah looked over at me like I was insane, and asked, "Why are you so calm?" in a strained voice.

I didn't answer, because behind the two I could see Evan come strolling down the stairs with a large knife in his hand. He turned towards us. A black shirt with a skull and lightning cross 'bones' on it, a blue plaid shirt over it, and blue jeans that were ripped at the knees. Oh god. I put my hand over my mouth, staring at him with wide eyes. The forest. The day I went missing. The weeks I was gone. Habit. Everything I've forgotten has come rushing back and for a few seconds I went back over everything that happened the day at the park.

As soon as I took those two steps towards the creature it looked down at me with what I could only explain as a saddened expression by the way the facial muscles moved, and disappeared. I had turned to look at HABIT when I heard rustling behind me. Before I could look towards the sound, HABIT grabbed my arm and began running. As we ran, I looked back at the thing following close behind us. It was a large white humanoid creature that looked like it hasn't eaten for years. It's front 'hands' were large claws and it's face was pale white with glowing eyes. At some point during our run from the creature, HABIT tripped. I stopped quickly and tried to help him up, but the creature was closing in fast. Just as I got him onto his feet, it attacked. It knocked me to the ground and began to try to claw at my arms. I called for HABIT but I didn't hear any kind of response. In an act of pure stupidity, I forgot I still was holding a knife. I stab the knife that I had in my left hand at it and it stumbled away. I tried to scamper away but the creature sliced at the back at my left leg. I pushed myself away from the now bleeding thing and looked for HABIT. He was at least twenty feet away and I called out for him, but he didn't turn around. I saw him hesitate, so I knew he heard me but he wasn't coming back. With that small amount of distance I had, I stumbled out of the creatures release and began running in a more left direction of where HABIT ran to. I held my bloody arms to my chest and ignored the pain in my legs as I ran. I couldn't hear any rustle or any signs of the creature following me. I slowed down as I came to an old decrepit building. It looked like a large open shed. I stepped onto its slightly raised floor and up to a wall. I leaned on to the wall and slid to the floor. I could see empty pill bottles on the floor and random food wrappers scattered around. Well, maybe if this is a drug den, the druggies will drag my body out into the parking lot or whatever. My vision began to fade in and out as I began to lose consciousness. The last thing I see before fully passing out was a man in a orange hoodie walking towards me.

As I exited my memories and stared at HABIT, all I could think is that...

He left me. He fucking left me.

RunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora