Chapter Ten: Creeps and rabbits don't mix well.

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After we both got dressed, him in his orange shirt, blue jeans and orange jacket, and me in a pair of black jeans and favorite black hoodie, we headed out to the park. On our way there, I call my boss. I dial his number and put the phone up to my ear.

The dial tone played for a few seconds before a male voice answers, "Hello? Maddison?"

"Hey Roy, it's Mad."

"Maddison? How have you been? We've been worried sick about you! Josh saw the news about your house.... That was your house, right? The news hasn't said anything about you," He asks, sounding more confused than worried.

"Yeah, that was our house. We're fine and no one got hurt. I don't know why the news hasn't mentioned us, but there isn't much we can do," I answer.


"Yeah, me and Tim."
"Oh, him..." He muttered, before asking quietly, "Are you okay? Do you need somewhere to stay? Is he feeding you?"

"I'm fine. We're staying at a hotel a town or two away and he is feeding me just fine," as I say this, Tim glances at me, looking worried.

"Fine. I'm guessing you'll be gone from work for a bit?" He asks reluctantly

"Yeah... If that's okay by you? We need to find a new place to stay and what not," I explain.

"Of course. And I you know if he does anything you just come to me. I would make a better boyfriend for you than he would," He adds.

I practically scream, "I've told you before, you're not my type!" Then state, "Now I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

As I go to hang up the phone I hear him say, "Just think about it! I'd treat you with-"

The phone clicks and I quickly shut it off. Setting it on the dash board, I look over at Tim.

"What was that?" He asks.

"My boss was trying to flirt with me again. It was gross and and he was talking about how he was better and would treat me good and shit...." I say, trailing off at the end.

"Such a creep," Tim mutters.

We continue on towards the park in silence. Only stopping once to get some food and use the restrooms. About an hour away from the park, while me and Tim are stopped to get food, my phone goes off. I pick it up to see that my boss is calling again. Before I can even say anything, Tim grabs it from me and puts it up to his ear. I hear talking from the other end, but can't make out what is being said. Saying Tim looked pissed was an understatement. As the voice on the other side droned on, Tim got more and more disgruntled looking.

Sounding quite angry, he says,"Hello, Roy."

I hear one clear word come out of the other side of the speaker, "Shit."
Tim, with phone still in hand, opens the car door and steps out. Shutting the door, he storms a couple feet away. Slightly confused, but not to worried, I look out my window at the little forest area that surrounds the rest stop. While just staring off into space, something moves in my peripheral vision. Startled slightly, I looked over to see a chocolate brown rabbit with white tipped ears and paws staring back at me. Huh... You don't see rabbits in the middle of California very often. I saw them a lot in..... Before I can finish my thought I hear the car door open up from behind me. Turning back around, Tim hops into the car and throws the phone into the back seats. He quickly buckles up, so I do the same. He starts the car and gets us back onto the freeway without saying a word.

After a little bit, I ask, "So... What was that about?"

In a monotone voice, he answers, " Your boss was going to try to change your mind and convince you to try to be with him."
Cringing, I ask, "Oh gods, did he go into detail again?"

"AGAIN?! This has happened before?" He asks, now sounding pissed.

"Nooo...." I say trailing off. Tim looks at me in annoyance, so I say, "Maybe...."

I sigh and answer, "Yeah, he has... on multiple occasions.... Some way worse than others. All of them after something major happens between us or to us."

"All of them?"

"Most of them. Other times I think.. No, I hope he was drunk, because those were horrible..."

"I'm guessing you were afraid to tell me for some stupid reason," he states.

"Yeah, but I don't think he would dare to try again now," I point out.

I look out the window and notice we've made it to town and that we were surprisingly close to the park.

Still looking out the window, I ask, "So, we're gonna split up when we get to the park right?"

"What? Why would we do that?" He questioned.

"Rabbit said that we should split up in the letter."

"And you trust him?"

"I'd trust a stranger more than I trust myself," I comment, scanning the buildings that we pass.

"That's sad," He says, before reluctantly adding, "But, if you want to split up we can."

"Sweet," I mutter as we pull into the Park's parking lot.

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