Chapter Two: Confusion, Fear, and Very Poor Explanations

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"What the fuck is going on," I mutter scooting back into my seat. The car is silent as Tim speeds away from the park and farther and farther from our home. I stare out the windshield trying to understand what I just saw. Glancing at the car's clock I see that it's 11:22pm. Even while staring out the windshield I can see Tim glancing at me every few seconds.

As calmly as I can, I ask, "Tim... What is going on?"

"Uh.. Um.. W-what do you mean? E-everything's fine," Tim stutters out.

"Tim... I could've just been killed, we're driving away from home, and you knew where I was going to be out of the multiple different exits of that park... What is going on?" I ask again, fear creeping into my voice.

"I... Um... There... Um... Damn," Tim continued to stutter over his words, apparently trying to figure out where to start.

"H-how about you start with why are we driving away from our house?" I suggest.

He glanced at me worriedly for a moment before stating quickly, "The house burnt down."

"WHAT!?!? HOW..." I practically scream at first, before quieting down and asking, "H-how did the house burn down in an hour or two?"

"I-I don't know. It started in the downstairs bedroom, the one thats empty and it spread quickly through the house. I saved as much as I could, our phones and laptops, our wallets, and some of our weapons, but the fire spread to quickly and I had to get out of there," he explained slowly.

"Okay, now... Wait... Weapons?" I mutter questioningly.

"Uh... Yeah, those are incase something happens.... And for how I knew where you were going to be, let's just say I made an educated guess and I guessed well," He explains, slowly sounding more like his normal gruff self towards the end.

Knowing how stubborn he can be, I decide to drop that subject and ask, "So where are we going?"

"I know of a decent cheaper hotel a couple hours away we can stay at until we figure the rest out. The place also has free wifi and tv's too," he responded before adding, "You should get some sleep. I'll wake you when we get there."

"Okay," I mumble, pulling my knees up to my chest and leaning against the car door.Closing my eyes, we sat in silence for a while.

Just about asleep, I hear Tim sigh and mumble, "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Just as I doze off, I reply, "It's okay, I forgive."

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