Chapter Twenty One: Noah And The Runaway's 'History'.

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I held my head in my hands, resting my elbows on the table in front of me. I stared down at the fake marble table, listening to the little conversations that are going on around me. I heard footsteps walk up to the table and look up to see Tim.

He set a cup down next to me and slide into the seat across from me, saying, "I ordered the food, and here's your drink. Where's Noah?"

"Thanks Tim," I say tiredly before answering, "Noah went to the restroom."

I took a large sip of my drink. It was cola. Noah appeared out of nowhere and slid into the seat next to Tim, who handed him his drink. Noah mumbled a quick thanks. We waited for our food in a peaceful silence. I sat and picked at my gauzes. The wounds weren't hurting anymore, but they still bled and needed to be cleaned every couple of hours. It had been a week since the incident with HABIT and the thing, which I've been told is called the Operator, the Administrator, and Slenderman. Slenderman? That's sounds so familiar. Whatever. Leaving Evan behind, we stayed away from Noah's house for a day, and waited to see if that thing would follow. It didn't. I still don't know what got to me and made me tase him, and I really fucking hate myself for it. I hate myself for tasing him and leaving him. I hope he's okay. We went back to Noah's house the next day. Everything was fine. Evan and that thing were gone and everything was almost the same as we left it. The only difference was that my journal is back. I found it and it's key on the bed Noah is letting me use. I thought I had checked fully through it when I first got it, but when I went through it after I found it in Noah's house, I found something new. A page in the middle of the book was full of writing, front and back. It seemed like some sort of diary entry, or entry of some sort? I haven't read it fully yet. I don't want too. It's in my handwriting and it looks like it was written in a hurry. Noah is still letting me and Tim stay at his house. Noah's been pretty cool about everything, except mine and Tim's relationship. He keeps asking why we aren't dating yet, which is really out of place for a paranoid person like him.

I was drawn out of my thoughts by Tim sliding two trays of food onto the table in front of me, and him saying, "Here's the food. I'm going to go use the restroom."

I mumbled, "Kay," and quickly grabbed my burger and fries. Noah did the same and we began to eat.

After a minute or so, he asked, "So how'd you end up living with Tim?"

I swallowed the mouthful of food I had, and answered, "My mom kicked me out of the house when I was sixteen after we got in a big fight. I couldn't get a hold of any friends to live with so I ended up wandering down through Oregon and into California. It took me around a year to get all the way down there. Tim ended up finding me after I tried to pickpocket him and yeah."

"So what about your family?"


I hesitated, before calmly answering, "I have 7 other siblings. 5 bro's and 2 sisters. My mom died awhile ago and my dad's fine."

I finished the short version on my 'backstory' to hear someone cough. I looked over to see Tim. Shit.

He looked at me in both confusion and anger and said, "That's not what you told me or Evan."  


Sorry for not updating for a bit. I had a tough week and I've just now been able to and want to start typing again. 

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