CHAPTER ONE: Stupid Arguments and Lots Of Running

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Hopping over logs and darting around trees I continue to make my way through this overly dense and flat forest. Finding an actual gravel path, I turn down it and continue to run. Why am I running? Nothing's chasing me. I didn't see a dead body in the middle of the forest. I wasn't left to die by some psychopath. The most insane person in the woods right now would probably be me at this time of night. But I'm not running for fun or exercise. I'm running from my problems, again. I got in a stupid argument with my roommate, Tim, over searching up about a fictional character called The Operator.

When the argument began it was around 9pm and I was getting ready to go to bed and had just taking out the trash when he came downstairs with my laptop and began yelling at me. He yelled at me for searching up about The Operator and that he told me to stay away from that kinda stuff. I told him as calmly as I could I don't ever remember him saying that, which wasn't a lie. He yelled at me and called me a liar, and said he hated me. That sent me overboard and I darted out the house's back door into the park that's behind us, in nothing but my grayish-green military type coat, a blue tank top, black short shorts and mud boots. So here I am, running through woods in the middle of the night because I overreacted over a stupid argument.

I slow down to a casual jog as I see a clearing up ahead. Over my panting I can hear the wind rustle the leaves above me and something else. It sounds like footsteps, maybe an echo? I take a longer step to see if the sound mimics, but it doesn't. There's someone behind me, walking at an eerily similar pace. Focusing on the clearing ahead again, I realize it's the park's main entrance parking lot. Thank Gods! I pick up my pace slightly and finally exit the park. About half way thru the parking lot I look back to see if whoever was behind me was there. At the edge of the forest I can see the outline of a person. From what I can tell they're probably about my height, but probably male from their stockier build.


I jump at the car horn and turn around to see and older car pull into the lot towards me. Blocking my eyes from the light of the blinding headlights, I move slightly and pulls in beside where I'm standing. Getting a better look at the car I realize it's Tim's old beat up blue Chevy Impala and that Tim is in the driver's seat.

"Mad, get your ass in the goddamn car!" He yelled through the half rolled down window.

Not wanting to piss him off I scurried around the front of the car and got into the front seat. As soon as I closed the door he slammed the car into reverse and took off backwards out of the parking lot. Confused by his actions I looked out the windshield. My eyes immediately focused on the person at the edge of the woods. With the headlights on them I could make out what looked liked a dude in an orange coat wearing what looked to be a full black face mask. Behind him seemed to be a really tall person that had no facial features from this distance. What the fuck?!?

Before I could make out any more features the car swung out of the lot, almost launching me out of my seat. Tim slams it into drive as I try to hook my seat belt in properly. I just sit for a moment in confusion, trying to understand what just happened, what I saw, and what could've happened. The first thing I realize, the person following me or the thing behind him could've killed me. The second thing is that we are driving away from our house, not towards our house. And the last thing I realize is how the fuck did Tim know where I was going to be?

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