Chapter Eleven: Loops and Dead things.

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 It was around 2pm when we got to the park and it was too sunny and bright for me. We quickly got out of the car and got ready. I left my journal at the hotel, but both me and Tim took pictures of the map to use as references. Tim grabbed a pocket knife and insisted that I should bring a weapon with me. After a bit of arguing, I gave in and he handed me a larger pocket knife to take. Shutting and locking the car up, we head towards the forest. Where we're going in at, there are two trails, a right one that heads to the south end of the park and a left one that heads to the north end of the park.

"Are you sure you want to split up?" Tim asks as we get closer.

Speeding up my walk a bit so we can get there before he changes his mind, I confirm, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Fine. But if you see anything weird or creepy, don't run towards it or follow it. Okay?"
Finally getting to the edge of the forest, I start done the right trail saying, "No promises."

I hear Him sigh and head down the left trail. I slowed my walk and took note of the forest around me. The last few times I've been through here, it was the middle of the night, and I was running. As I walked I noted that the forest was quite quiet. It was kinda terrifying how quiet it was. For being around the middle of the day, I should be hearing a lot of bird and other animal noises. But... It's just silent. A little creeped out, I picked up my pace. Ahead in the trail, I see a split. Remembering the plan me and Tim made, I need to head towards the left one so I could loop back to the parking lot. I stop when I get to the split in the path and pull out my phone. I begin to double check my map when I hear a small squeak from in front of me. I look up to see a chocolate brown rabbit sitting a little farther down the right path. It looked exactly like the one I saw earlier. Same white tipped ears and paws as before.

"Oh my god. You are so cute!" I say, walking towards it slowly.

I stopped as it skittered farther down the trail. It stopped and looked back at me as if expecting me to follow. I was about to follow it when I remembered what Tim said about following creepy or weird things. A rabbit, that looks exactly like the rabbit I saw at a rest stop about an hour away is now in front of me and probably wants me to follow it..... Yeah, no. I turned around and headed down the left trail. I glanced back to see if the rabbit had followed me. Luckily it didn't. As I walked farther down the trail, I could hear more and more animals. Sound had suddenly returned to the forest. Quite strange. I continued walking down the path, checking my map every once and awhile to make sure I took the right trail. After a bit more walking, I came across a split in the path. What? This trail was suppose to be a straight trail. I've checked the map at least twenty times. Confused, I decide to backtrack and head backwards on the trail. The forest was deafeningly silent and it bothered me. I stopped again. In front of me was another goddamn split. It's like I went in a loop. No matter how many times I've gone left or back, I end up here. I dart back through the woods back down the left trail, but again end up at the split.

Confused, annoyed, and paranoid, I scream, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?!"

I dart down the let path once again, only to end up back at the split.

"What the hell," I mutter, breathing quite heavily.

I sat down on the ground in front of the two paths, still panting but a lot calmer. God it's bright. How is it still so bright out? Now confused, I pull my phone out and check the time. 2:40! WE GOT HERE AT 2:38! I know for a fact I've been running around for at least a fucking hour! There's no service in this forest so I can't call Tim... Well fuck me. I look up at the paths. What if I went down the right path? I stood up and slowly headed down the right left. The forest was still quiet. It's kinda like the entire world is frozen. I wonder where that rabbit went too? After what felt like hours of walking I hear some sort of scream in the distance. It sounded like a dying animal.

"I've already come this far, why not head towards the scream?" I sarcastically ask myself.

I sigh at myself and head further down the trail, towards the screams. As I walk, I can see small dots of what seems to be blood on the path. Welp.... I'm probably gonna die soon.... Oh well. I continued down the path. The scream has stopped but the blood drops on the trail has gotten larger. Looking further ahead, I can see something in the middle of the straight as fuck path. It was some sort of brown lump. I walked closer, grabbing the knife in my pocket. Getting even closer I notice there was some white in the the brown. It's that rabbit I saw earlier. Well, it 'was' that rabbit. I 'poke' it with my foot and it doesn't respond. The poor thing is dead. 

"Do you like it?" 

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