Chapter TwentyFour: Runes And Things.

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Oh.... Well... What? MarbleHornets? TribeTwelve? Noah? .......... Noah! TribeTwelve! OH, MY GOD! I looked up at Noah in remembrance.

He looked back at me in confusion and asked, "What?"

"I remembered some things," I say quickly while flipping through the pages of the journal.

"What did you remember?" Tim asked, sounding unhappy.

I flipped to the front pages, stopping on the one with the symbols. I practically shoved it into Noah's face.

I pointed to the 'Observer' symbol and said, "Severance. A rune in which itself is its meaning."

"How do you know that-"

I quickly cut him off, slightly flailing my arms, "No, no, no, no, no, no. There's more. There's more. There's more. The journal entry thing is talking about someone getting followed around by The Observer, and we know Evan slash Habit, and your Noah, and that's Tim."

"And that means?" Tim asks, still sounding unhappy.

"Many important things, that I will explain in a bit after fully collecting my thoughts and these new memories."

Noah asks, "Do you know when these memories are from? Like, are they from the entire year or like what you said earlier, from when you were younger?"

"Um. There from when I was a bit younger, between the ages of 10 and 15," I answer, flipping to the page covered in names. "Hand me a pen, please."

Noah quickly complied, pulling a pen out of one of the drawers in the table and handing it to me. I stuck the journal on the table and leaned over to begin marking the names.

Tim leaned onto the table next to me and asked, "What's with all of the names?"

"They were one of the things that were in the book to begin with, and now I can do something with them," I answer, sliding my finger down the page, stopping at Tim's name.

"Yeah, but like, why are they there in the first place. If they were supposed to be connected, you'd think the names would have been written next to each other. Not in a spastic order."

"I don't know, maybe the person who wrote it couldn't remember which name with each other, or maybe it's supposed to go like this, to be like a riddle. Wait..." I looked up at Tim, "These names are from weird youtube series from when I was younger. So... How can you be?"

I leaned back and quickly scanned through the names on the left side, confirming my thoughts. I slowly shut the book, locking in and putting the pen down. Noah and Tim looked at me confused as I sat in my thoughts. This is impossible. They're here but those were videos? But? No. But?


We all looked towards the front door, where the loud bang sound came from, in surprise. I quickly locked the book again, deciding that I'll deal with that mind boggler later. Tim quickly slid off his chair, looking towards Noah. Noah had grabbed a kitchen knife and handed a seconded one to Tim.

A familiar voice called from behind the wall, "Anyone home~?"


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