Chapter Three: Crappy Hotels and Creepy Pages

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Feeling something shake my right knee, I began to rouse.

I here a gruff voice say, "It's time to get up. We've made it to the hotel."

Rubbing my eyes and pulling my legs out of inside my coat, I yawn. Opening my eyes and looking towards my right I see Tim holding the door open. His dark brown hair looks disheveled and he looks tired.

Seeing that I'm finally awake he explains, "I've already gotten us a room and have moved some of our stuff. I would've woken you up earlier but you looked peaceful so I left you alone."

He shuffled away from the door and headed towards the trunk. I swung my legs over the seat and stood up.

"Owwww," I mutter, my knees hurting from being curled up for so long.

I head towards the trunk as well, stretching my legs as I go. I get back there and Tim hands me a three medium sized bags then grabs the last three for himself. He locks the trunk and leads me into the hotel. We head up a flight of stairs and down a longer hallway. We stopped in front of room 413 and Tim quickly opened the door and ushered me in. Setting the bags down I looked around the room. The room seemed to be green themed. The beds had bright green blankets and sheets and the walls had a lime green paint on them. I walked around while Tim started going through the bags. The room wasn't very big but it had the essentials; two beds, a desk in the back corner, a stand with an older block tv, a few dressers, and a bathroom. The desk had an alarm clock on it that said it was 6:39 am. I kicked off my boots and flopped onto the bed and layed there for a moment with my eyes closed. What will we do now? Why does this keep happening to me? Uuuggghhh.... Feeling something poke my arm, I open my eyes to Tim standing above me.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the last couple of minutes. I separated all of the stuff I saved and piled your stuff in front of the bed you're lying on," He states, pointing to the edge of the bed, "I'm going to head into the town near here and get us some food. You wanna come?"

Thinking about it for a moment, I answer, "Naw. I'll stay here and go through my stuff."

Walking towards the door, he sets what looks like a key on the desk and says, "Okay. I'll leave the second key on the desk here. I'll be back in about twenty minutes. Don't go too far."

Before I can say anything I hear the rooms door open and close. I sigh and sit up. The clock now says it is 6:46 am. I hop off the bed and began going through the pile. He grabbed my most important shit, like my laptop, my spare glasses, and my two favorite hoodies as well as some other random clothes items and another pair of shoes. I don't see any of the "Weapons" Tim was talking about.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who the fuck is at the door? Could Tim already be back? I stand up and swipe the key of the desk and head towards the door. Isn't room service suppose to call out or something? Does this place even have room service? I get to the door and see that it has a little peep hole. I look through it but the halls completely empty. Confused I open the door, step out and look around. Not seeing anything or anyone I turn to head back into the room. Before I can step through the threshold the door slams closed on me. I step back in shock. What kind of crappy hotel has oors the shut on themselves? I pull the key out of my pocket and struggle with the door for a moment. The door clicks and opens. I take three steps in and just stop. My entire bed is covered in papers. Notebooks pages covered in scribbles, symbols, and words. I shut the door, crept up to the bed and picked up one of the pages. It had a circle like a head with x's where eyes would be and the words, "ALWAYS WATCHES, NO EYES," scribbled around it. Another page had "HELP ME," on it. Going through more of the pages, it seemed to be 8 different pages repeated over and over again, all hand written or drawn. I don't know exactly how many there were but there was a lot. Looking at these filled me with horrible dread and depression. I dropped the pages I was holding and stood back. How did these get here? Why my bed? What is going on?

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