"What Carlos?"

"Ya man's is looking for you, where you at?"

"My man's? Tell that son of a bitch that I am done with him and that he should move Taysha in when I get all of my shit out of his house." She said this much before her voice began to crack from starting to cry, "I am done!"

"Oh shit," Los raised his eyebrows and from that, Kaydence already knew that Taysha did something. "Let me speak to her yo." Los put the phone in Kaydence's hand but he had no time to talk because Dani had already hung up.

". . . . . Your cousi-"

"She's a bitch. I told you that." Nuk said with a shrug. "Mannn, this is bullshit bro! Straight bullshit." Kaydence got up and walked off upstairs. He didn't know why but he tried calling Dani after knowing that she would not answer his calls so he sent a text:

At least answer my call man, damn.

Of course, she read his shit and didn't respond. He tossed his phone on the bed and went back downstairs. "Call her back Los." He handed Kaydence his phone and let him call her instead.

"What Los?"

"Dani, let me talk to you for at least 60 seconds. Ple-"

"No! Stop trying Kaydence. I am done! I don't want an apology. There is nothing that can be done about this shit. You cheated because you were unhappy so please, leave me alone. Don't call me and don't text me. Oh, and Karcyn is with your mom." She hung up.

"Damn, you don't look too happy." Ocho said. "Yo, y'all should be straight tonight. I'm going upstairs." Kaydence walked off, not wanting to be in their presence because he was fighting back tears. He didn't wanna lose Dani but he had put this on himself.

Daniella's POV

I had actually cried myself to sleep in the bed of my hotel room. Staying with my mom could've saved me some money but I didn't want to live everyday listening to her "I told you so's" or my dad telling me that he was going to kill that boy so the hotel would just have to do.

I was still in a state of shock and the more I thought about it, the more it hurt because I loved Kaydence regardless of if he loved me back or not. He was my happy place and everything, but there was no way that I could let him put more pain on me than he had already did. I thought I was doing everything to satisfy him. . trying to make the best girlfriend but I was wrong. In his eyes I had to be average.


I woke up the next morning and went straight into the bathroom, looking myself over in the mirror. My eyes were still swollen from crying so much and I felt like shit. I peed and then got my stuff together so that I could take a shower.

An old friend of mine, Raven was coming to town later today. Her and I had this set up weeks in advance and it sucked that it fell around the time that I was hurting the most but maybe she could take my mind off of everything that had been going on. . from the death of my son that I still wasn't over to this breakup that I was sure would be permanent.

Raven was the same age as me and was a dentist down in Atlanta. We both graduated from Princeton University and grew closer over the years until we went our separate ways in order to fulfill our dreams. This would be our first time seeing each other in years.

Omniscient's POV

Daniella was meeting Raven at the airport and the two of them were about to go out for lunch just to talk and catch up on everything. Daniella couldn't wait to fill her in.

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