Chapter 1

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Jungkook's POV

"Eomma! Why are they taking our stuff??" I yelled at my mom cunfused.

"Junkook-ah... Our company is going bank-" Someone cut her off.

"I found a solution to save this company!" Appa yelled to both of us.
"But... it involves Jungkook."

Jae Hee's POV

"Why did you involve me?!" I was pissed off at me parents.

"They have been our friends for a very long time now." Appa replied in a calmly manner way.

"And if I say no?" I questioned them.

"You can not disagree. We had signed a contract."

*Fuck my life!!*

"Dont worry though. We only signed a 1 year contract. You will be free after that... unless you want to stay with him..."

"No Appa. I will get married but after a year, Im done."

Jungkook's POV

"No! I cant get married!"

"You are old enough now. Stop complaining." Eomma said.

"But what about my girlfriend! I really love her! I just cant let her go!"

"Jungkook, we signed a contract for a year. You can divorce her after." Appa said gently toward me so I can calm down.

"I will marry her but I will still be with Jang MaRi."

A week later...

"MaRi-ah... I have bad news.."

"Is there good news too??" She seemed exicited.

"You can say." I simply said.

"Then bad news first!"

"Im sorry but.. but I have to get married." I wanted to hold her abd tell her that she's the only one I love.

"W-why would there be good news?" MaRi stood there with tears in her eyes.

"The good news is that it's just a contract. We just have to wait 1 year, and it will be all over." I tried to cheer her up, but I guess it didnt work.

"Let's just break up. I wont be able to stand it. You being with another women that is not me." Tears fell out of her eyes.

I hugged her tight. I couldnt and didnt want to let her go. She was to precious to me.

"Im sorry Jungkook, but Im leaving now." It stabbed me in the heart when she said that. I watched her walked away crying. I was now crying too.

A week later...

Jae Hee's POV

I woke up in the morning getting ready to hang out with my best friend. I took a quick shower and put on an adidas crop top, white ripped jeans, and of course a pair of adidas shoes.

I walked out your bedroom and was greeted by your parents. You grabbed an apple to eat as your breakfast.

"Good morning, eomma and appa!" I greeted them happily.

"Good morning." They both said at the same time.

"Is Oppa not awake yet?"

"No. You know how lazy he is. You seem to be in a good mood today." Eomma smiled after sayin here words.

"I gonna go hang out with my best friend." I smiled back at here so she would know why I happy.

"Have fun! Dont come back late!"

"Arasso Eomma!" I walked out the door. I then see a car parked infront of my house. I smiled. The person opened the window and waved at me. I waved back. They made a gesture to me saying that I should come in. I went over to the car and seated myself in the passenger seat.

"How have you been Jiminie?"

"The same as everyday." He made the most beatiful smile ever. Nothing can beat his smile.

"So where are we going?"


No One's POV

"Let's go get some bubble tea." Jimin seemed very thirsty.

"You pay though!"

"Why do you have to be so mean?" He made a pout face that no one can resist.

"Okay, okay. I'll pay for oppa. Stop pouting now."


They were laughing and talking all the way to the bubble tea stand.

"Should I dye my hair pi-" Some bumped into Jimin. He didnt apoligize. Jae Hee noticex that he didnt apoligized and start complaining.

"Ya! Do you know how to say sorry?!" He ignore Jae Hee.

"Jae Hee. Its okay dont worry about it."

"Ya! Im talking to you!" Jaehee pulled his arm around so she could see her face.

"Can you leave me alone!" The dude yelled back at Jaehee. But that didnt stop Jaehee.

"Not until you apoligize."

He looked at Jaehee and she stared back at him. He walked away like nothing just happened. Jaehee waled fast towards him, and suddenly fliped him over.

"Black belt in taekwondo." She smirked at. Little did they know everyone was now staring at them, and luttle did she know... He fliped Jaehee over but didnt let her land on the floor.

"Champion ship of Issac Wrestling Match." He smirked back. You were kinda of nervous but you still fought back and stood on your two feet. "You're wasting my time. Mianhae hyung. But your girlfriend is overprotected."

"She's not my girlfriend Jungkook."

"Y-you guys know eachother??" Jaehee was really confused.

"I told you dont worry about it but you didnt listen."

Jaehee and Jimin continued there way to the bubble tea stand.

"Why did you act like you didnt know him?"

"He's in a bad mood. He just broke up with his girlfriend."

"Ahh.. I see why now.. Anyways. Oppa I have to tell you something..."

"What is it?"

"For Jaehee and Jimin!" The ordered called their names. They grabbed it and sat at a table.

"Im getting married."

MARRIAGE CONTRACT // BTS JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now