Chapter 4

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1 Month Later

Ma Ri's POV

It's almost been more than  a month and I think Im starting to fall for Jungkook more and more. Chanyeol has never been on my mind for this past month. I dont really worry about him as much as I do to Jungkook. 

I woke up early in the morning hear dishes banging down starts. I made my way to the kitchen and saw Jaehee preparing food. I smirked because this was the perfect chance. 

Jaehee's POV

I think I made too much noise... Damn these dishes... 

"Can you take care of your things here and dont make too much noise. Jungkook is sleeping upstairs. I dont want you to wake him up."

"Im sorry... I didnt mean to wake you up." 

"Sorry doesnt do anything. If you really feel sorry... get out of Jungkook's life." 

"I wil get out of Jungkook's life! He doesnt mean anything to me anyways! He's full of shit!" 

"Ya! Did you just talk smack about Jungkook!?" Mari was really mad because of what I just said. Without a warning, she started pulling my hair. 

"Ya! Let go of my hair!" As she held onto my hair, she found a knife. 

"I wonder how you would like it if I cut your hair..." She smirked. She was about to cut my hair but then she cut herself on the arm and dropped the knife. 

"Are you okay?!" I aksed afraid.

"What's going on- MARI-AH!" Jungkook came down stairs. 

"Jungkook... help me... Jaehee cut me with the knife because she was jealous of us.." She started to fake cry. 

"I-I didnt do a-anything..." 

"Stop lying! She's hurt and you're denying that you didnt hurt her!" Jungkook yelled at me. 

"Im telling the truth! I didnt do anything!" I had tears in my eye. "If you dont believe me then leave." 

"YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE THAT IS LEAVING!" He raised his voice. 

"I WANT A DIVORCE SO YOU CAN LIVE HAPPILY WITH HER AND BELIVE EVERYTHING WITH HER EVEN THOUGH SHE IS LYING! YOUR FAMILY CAN GO BANKRUPT! I DONT CARE ANYMORE! I MARRIED YOU TO MAKE MY PARENT HAPPY!" I calmed down a bit. "Get out now. My parent bought this house, not your parents. So this is not your house. Wait.. no.. You stay here and survive without food and money." I pulled out my phone. 

"Jimin.. can you pick me up?" 

"Why did something happen??" He asked worriedly. 

"Jebal..." I tear fell out my eye. 

"Stay there! Im coming right now!" I hung up the phone and headed towards the bedroom and packed my clothes. I took everything important. I took all my money and everything. Nothing left for Jungkook. 

"I'll see how his family will survive without mine. Besides.. Im only put in a contract so they can have money." 

Jungkook's POV

"Mari-ah... Is it true about what she said?"

"Op-pa.. Do you not trust me?" 

"I trust you but... Jaehee has never been that confident before... Are you sure you are telling the truth?" 

"Oppa do you see how she hurt me?! And now you're telling me that you think Im lying?" 

"Let's take care of your cut. I'll believe you." I took her to the bathroom. 

MARRIAGE CONTRACT // BTS JUNGKOOKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora