Hockey Player Norway x Figure Skater Reader.

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He sat at the benches, dark blue eyes following the strong movements of a female figure skater. She was graceful, absolutely beautiful on the ice. Her legs were strong, as were her arms setting her apart from the rest of the dainty skaters. Her e/c eyes shone with determination as she picked up the speed, twisting in every direction possible. Lukas could see her take a deep breath, close her eyes and throw a strong Axel jump in the air. Her body spun in the air 3 and a half times before she landed down on one foot. Her back was perfectly arched, her hands pressed against her body and her head facing upwards. The bright smile of victory on her face was hard to miss. "Oi, Y/n, get off the ice! It's Hockey practice now!" The yell from his team captain startled Lukas, and he was almost upset to see the woman leave the ice. "Yeah yeah, suck it, Jones! You're just jealous that you aren't as graceful as I am on the ice. Oh, and that I can play your sport better than you!" Laughs erupt from the rest of the team, they all seemed familiar with the h/c haired girl. "Oh be quiet Cousin!"

So, she was Alfred's cousin? That fact was quite surprising to Lukas. Alfred was known for being loud and energetic, whereas Y/n seemed much quieter and graceful. They didn't look alike at all either! Y/n had h/l h/c h/t hair with e/c eyes, and Alfred had straight blonde hair with a cowlick and light blue eyes. Lukas continued to watch as she skated off the ice, taking off her blades. She looked up and their eyes met. Shivers went down Lukas' spine, her eyes were even more beautiful than he thought. They kept eye contact for at least a minute before they both looked away and continued in their separate directions. Lukas looked back for a split-second, noticing her do the same. A light pink blush coated her cheeks as she looked down and speed-walked away. "Dude, could ya stop staring at my Cousin? I know she's cute and all, but it's weird." Lukas flushed a pink before turning back to his normal colour and nodding. Alfred smirked and began teasing the fairly short but lean man. "Awwwww, Lukey has a crush on N/n! How cute!" Lukas frowned as his best friend Matthias joined in on the conversation. "He isn't denying it!" The man rose an eyebrow. "Why would I when it is true?" He asked bluntly.

Y/n stood a little bit away, hearing every part of the conversation and blushing a bright red. She couldn't deny that she thought that Lukas was incredibly attractive, but she couldn't understand why he would have a crush on her. She was a potato! She shook her head, discarding any thoughts of the man and walked away for the last time in that day. Today's practice had made her exhausted, as she was expected to be the opening performance for the hockey game the next evening. She was a little worried about her cousin's team, she had heard that they were going against a Russian Team, and if it was one thing she knew about them from having to sit through many Hockey Games, it was that they were brutally violent on the ice. She knew that Alfred's Team was capable enough to take care of them themselves, but she didn't want anyone to get hurt. She shrugged off her worried thoughts and went to her personal locker, placing her beautiful f/c skates in their and taking out a duffel bag. she quickly undressed and got dressed again in more comfortable clothes. She took out a cloth and wiped away all her eye makeup, smiling when it had all finally gone without a trace. Her throat was screaming for water, and she picked up a water bottle and downed the entire thing withing 20 seconds. She walked out of the locker rooms, quickly checking the time and realising that there was no real point in going home. She would get there and have to drive all the way back. Y/n went into the back, where they stored a bit of food, just in case someone hadn't been able to eat Dinner before their performance. She grabbed some ingredients for a quick meal and as soon as it was finished, she ate it all.

It was time for the opening performances, and a Russian Figure Skater was currently skating beautifully on the ice. Even though her performance was amazing, no one from the C/n Team seemed to be interested. As soon as the woman with long platinum blonde hair, navy dress and deep blue eyes skated off, looking disappointed that she hadn't captured everyone's attention, Y/n skated on. Her f/c dress shone under the many lights, and she looked at the edge of the rink to see her Team sat there looking proud. Her eyes looked up, before closing when she got to the middle of the rink. Her favourite song began to play, and she began to skate. In the first 30 seconds of the song, she had already done 3 jumps that were perfectly executed and landed, she could just barely hear all of the cheers from around her; her earbuds blocked out the majority of it. Her eyes caught that of Lukas, and she was surprised to see him bearing a small smile. From what she had heard, he scarcely smiled at anything. Soon enough, her performance had finished, and the crowd roared with applause.

The Hockey Teams were up next, and as Y/n sat down, she knew that something bad was going to happen. The Russian Team were obviously sizing them up, and the gleam in their eyes worried Y/n. Lukas watched them with an emotionless facade, his stoic expression never lets any emotion appear on his face as they began. Y/n sighed in relief when nothing bad had happened in the beginning, but it was getting to the end, and that was when things started to get dirty. There was a lot more violent shoving, and Y/n's eyes couldn't help but pick up on how one was going to hit Lukas very soon if he didn't pass the puck. He seemed to notice that too, as he quickly passed the puck to Alfred. The Russian man smirked and skated into Lukas at full force, even though he didn't have the puck. Y/n gasped in horror when she saw the Norwegian man hit the ice roughly. Thankfully, he managed to keep the majority of his head off of the ice. Y/n ran down, pushing past people to get to the man. She watched as the rest of the team helped him up, and to the sidelines. "Oi! Y/n, make sure he's alright, you know what to do right?" Y/n heard her cousin yell at her, she nodded and sat down next to Lukas, asking for him to move his ankles, and then his knees, and then his hips, his arms and then his neck. She observed him carefully, taking mental notes on where he winced in pain. "Well, the good thing is that nothing looks to be broken, but you seem to have bad bruising on your hip and torso. I would suggest staying off of the ice for a few days. Lukas shot a grateful look in her direction and spun around to actually face her. He quickly pecked her cheek and looked away.

And Y/n was left looking like a tomato.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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