27. The Calm Before the Storm

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Read until the end. I have a little announcement ;)

"Nina come on. You got back last week and all you've done is stay in your room and listen to depressing music." Skylar dramatically threw herself onto Nina's bed.

"Skylar stop bothering me. Go away."

"I'm bored~"

"What do you want me to do about that?" Nina rolled her eyes.

"The girl is right. I'm sick of listening to Tegan and Sara.

"What do you want to listen to then?"

"Mayas moans as you po—"


"What. I'm horny."

"Stop being horny!"

"I've been horny ever since we saw Jessica."

"Don't bring her up, and what does that have to do with being horny?"

"She was super-hot, you can't deny that."

"Oh my god Frost..."

"Sometimes you seem to forget I'm an animal." Silently agreeing, Nina was about to pick up a book she had been reading when Skylar suddenly snatched it and ran out of the room. The girl had the nerve to bother Nina and then prevent her from getting any peace and quiet.

Given no other choice, Nina ran after her.

"Skylar give me my book back!"

"Only if you promise to stop acting all depressed and go out with me tonight!"

"Is this what you've resorted to Sky?! Blackmail?" Skylar ran down the stairs with Nina close behind her.

"Do you promise yo—" Skylar screamed when she felt Nina grab her from behind, sending the both of them flying down the stairs.

Kylie rushed out of her room when she heard the loud boom.

"What the hell you two?" She looked over the railings only to see Nina and Skylar wrestling on top of each other.

"Get off me fatso I can't breathe!" Skylar tried to shove Nina off her but the blonde wouldn't budge.

"Give me my book!"

Kylie shook her head as she came downstairs. "I don't understand how two women in their twenties can still act like toddlers." Kylie stopped in front of the two women and sighed. "By the way, I told Angie, Taylor, and Alexis to come over"

"What, when?"

"Ten minutes ago, if you had been listening." Kylie shook her head and went into the kitchen.

"When are they coming though!?" As soon as Skylar mentioned the sisters, the door swung open and Angie and Taylor walked in, followed by Alexis and her mate, Sasha. 

"Shit" Skylar mumbled under her breathe.

Before Nina or Skylar could get up, Angie screamed and tackled the two. "DOGPILE!!"

Snapping a picture, Taylor laughed before she remembered what they came for in the first place. "Guys get ready were heading out."

Shoving Angie and Skylar off, Nina got up. "Where?"


"What's Geronimo's?"

"Only the best place to get pizza in the city."

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