20. A Year

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"Whats all the commotion?" Nina exit the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. Skylar was standing at the door talking to a very excited but frantic looking Angie. 

Ever since Nina had joined the pack, she had not only gotten the love she never had as a child, however she was also personally trained by one of the packs best warriors, who also happened to be Skylars father. In the year she had been with the Triton pack, Nina had not only gained more muscle, but she had also grown a little taller. 

"We need to go to the Alphas house right now!" Skylar came running to Nina. 

"What, why?"

"Oaths found her mate." 


"I told you dad, I need to go over there and get him! I know hes the one!" Nina and Skylar walked into the Triton's mansion, only to find Oath and her father arguing. 

"If he really wants to meet my daughter he should come here himself!" Dave Triton crossed his arms over his chest. It seemed he didn't want his daughter to leave for another reason as well. 

Huffing in frustration, Oath angrily ran her hands through her hair. "Dad! Hes in Canada! He lives in a whole other country!" 

"So why must you go get this boy? Why can he not come himself?" 

"Because I haven't introduced myself yet!" 

Nina was about to join into the conversation but Skylar grabbed her arm. 

"Don't interrupt them." Skylar was linking her thoughts to Nina. 

After Nina had completed the ritual to join the Triton pack, she was given the ability to share her thoughts through the pack mind link. All she had to do was think of the people she wanted to speak to, and then they could communicate using their thoughts. This only worked if they were apart of the pack though, hence the name pack mind link. 

However, what Nina found more interesting than the concept of sharing her thoughts to people other than Frost, was that Frost could use this ability as well. She didn't even need to be in control of their body to do so. All she had to do was join into the conversation. 

The only person Frost had spoken to so far however, was Skylar. Skylar found it odd though, since she was pretty sure only Ninas wolf counterpart was as dominant as her human counterpart. No one else in the pack could communicate with their animal side as well as Nina could with Frost.

Nodding her head, Nina continued watching the argument. "How are you even sure he is your mate!?" 

"Because I feel it dad! Did you ever doubt mom!" The whole room suddenly went silent. Oaths face was red, but the alphas was even redder. It looked like he wanted to cry, but was holding it in. 

"Now that she mentions it.....I've never seen the Triton Luna...." Nina asked Skylar 

"She died.....Six years ago." Nina turned to look at Skylar in shock. 

"It wasn't that long ago so Oath mentioning it might have reopened a healing wound." 

It was odd for Nina to hear such a thing. The girls always looked so cheerful. The alpha did too, so it was hard to imagine that they had witnessed the death of a loved one not too long ago. 

"How did she die?" Skylar sighed. She knew Nina would ask that. 

"Six years ago, the Triton and the Moon Howlers packs had a little dispute." Nina looked at Skylar in confusion before Skylar sighed. "The Moon Howlers are another pack within the vicinity"

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