8. Like an Animal (part 2)

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Here's a longer chapter for the long wait :P 

Walking through another corridor, Nina hid behind a cleaning cart as she heard more guards running towards her direction. 

For the past hour, she had been trying to get out of the warehouse they were in. To her surprise, the alarms had only been sounded 10 minutes ago. 

"We should have hid the body" Frost said for the 20th time

"I know!" Guards were running everywhere frantically looking for a beast that no longer existed. 

Continuing down the same corridor, Nina heard voices behind one of the doors. Panicking, she hurried to another door in the same hallway and tried turning the knob.


The door opened and Nina hurried inside, shutting the door quickly yet quietly behind her. 

Leaning her back against the door, she heard footsteps get closer. 

Listening in on the voices that were now getting farther away, she caught some of the conversation.

"How does a beast like that just get away!" 

"I don't know, but when we find it we should skin it and put it...." 

Having heard enough, Nina stopped listening and looked around the room she was currently in. 

"What the hell?" Frost was the first to say as Ninas eyes landed on nothing. Literally nothing. They were in room filled with nothing! The only thing the room had was a set of stairs situated at the back, near a barred window. The stairs lead down, to what Nina assumed was another door. 

"Don't even think about it..." Frost began but was cut off by shouting in the hallway. 

The shouts seemed to get closer and closer, and before they knew it, the voices were right outside the door. 

"Search every single room!" 

That was all it took for Nina to bolt to the stairs and run down to the door at the bottom. 

"Shit! Its locked!!" Trying to open the door with more force, Nina let out a sigh of frustration when it wouldn't budge. 

"let me try" Taking control, Frost closed her eyes for a second before raising her leg back and kicking the door open. 

Giving the control back over, Nina just stood there speechless. 

"You have got to teach me that sometime" Nina mumbled while she stepped into another long corridor. 

"What the hell is up with all these halls?" Nina said as she saw another door at the end of the hallway she was in and started walking towards it. Thinking it would lead to an exit, she reached the door quickly and turned the handle. 

This door was not locked. 

"odd"  Frost commented. 

stepping inside, Nina looked around what seemed to be a large, abandoned library. 

"well I mean its probably not abandoned if th--" A crash was heard coming from behind a couple of bookshelves. 

"Oh god. Frost. Go check" 

"Nina!? were in the same body if you haven't forgotten" 

"Shhhh! I think I hear something"

"If you hear it I probably hear it to----" Another crash was heard. 

Shaking, Nina slowly started to approach the rows of shelves. She couldn't hear anything else over the chattering of her teeth. She truly feared for her life at this moment.

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