16. Girls Night Out

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Song for this chapter is in the dark by DEV. Not necessary but it helps set the mood of the club a bit ;)

ALSOOO.....16k!!!!! AHHAHAHAHAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Thats the sound of me freaking out. Dont mind me........just keep reading......

"So...what type of club is this again?"

All the girls looked at Nina with mischievous grins.

"Well, this a club for everyone"


"Meaning your going to meet a lot of different people. Other werewolves very unlikely, but people who are gay, bi, straight, all types of people"

Nina had gone pale after she had heard the term 'gay'. She still hadn't told anyone of her sexuality since she didn't want to risk being hated by the pack. Even if everyone seemed nice, she still had no way of knowing for sure if anyone was homophobic. 

"You don't have a problem with that now do you" Maya said with a lot of sass after noticing Ninas paling face.

Watching Nina shake her head, Alexis smirked.

"Good, because me and Maya are openly gay" Ninas eyes widened "Taylor and Sky are bi" Ninas mouth was wide open "and Oath is the boring straight girl."

Taking it all in, Nina watched as everyone looked at her like they were waiting for something.


Skylar walked a bit closer to Nina "So, what are you?"

"What am I what?"

"Nina don't play dumb, you know they're talking about your sexuality"

"I know but I don't want to say anything yet. Your the only one that knows....and that's only because your always in my head"

Skylar was about to pester Nina some more but the girls had already gotten to the entrance of the club. Taking one look at them, the booster simply let them in without checking for any of their IDs'.

"Oh my gosh, I totally need a drink." With that, Maya grabbed Oath and the two sisters walked away to the bar. Alexis and Taylor also disappeared on the dance floor and Nina was left with Skylar.

"So what do you want to do first?"

Nina blushed, realizing she hadn't told Skylar this was her first time at a club yet.

"I've..uh....never actually been...to a club.." Nina muttered while she looked to the ground.

"What!? I cant hear you! Speak louder!" This was Skylar yelling over the now very loud music.

"I said...I've never been to a club before!"

Skylar looked at Nina with shock at first, and then changed her expression into a devilish grin.

"Great! Lets get you drunk!"

Rolling her eyes, Nina followed Skylar to the bar, where a handsome young bartender was wiping down the counter, about to prepare another drink.

Looking up towards the girls, he immediately stopped wiping and put on a dashing smile.

"Well hello their ladies. What can I get you tonight?"

"6 shots"

"of what darling?"

Skylar put on a flirtatious smile and winked "you choose"

Watching the young man walk away, Nina turned to Skylar.

"So....you flirt with the bartender at bars?"

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