15. A Month In

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I cant believe this story passed 10k reads. I honestly expected like 50 ppl to read this but apparently I was very wrong. Well, thank you to everyone whos been reading, commenting, and voting! I read all your comments and love you guys so much! :,D 

a month into her personal one on one sessions with Arthur, Nina had not only gained quite a bit of muscle, but she had also gained a bit of a reputation. 

After the first week of non stop vigorous activity, Nina had passed her physical with flying colors and an aching body. Everyone was surprised to see Nina after the first week. She had been practicing non stop with Arthur in the backyard, and when she finally emerged in order to re take her test, she had looked like a whole new person. 

A couple more weeks into her training, Nina had joined the packs boot camp. It was meant to help shape new and young members of the pack into defined soldiers. Nina had quickly gained a reputation after the first two weeks. She had been running, fighting, pulling, pushing, beating, and doing everything she physically could be doing, day and night. 

She began pushing herself to limits she didn't know she had. Finally, one day, one of the camps older boys had tried hitting on Nina. At first it was alright. He would do things like throw in comments here and there. Then he began trying to touch her every chance he got. He even tried grabbing her ass, and that's when Nina broke. She had beat him up so bad, that he had to be taken away by the pack doctors. From that day, no one bothered Nina, and she had even begun sparring much more stronger opponents just for the hell of it. 

"Nina!" Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Nina turned towards a flustered looking Skylar. 

"Whats up Sky?" 

"I think" Sky looked conflicted "I wanted to talk to you about.." She sighed "Listen. I think we should have a girls night out" 

Nina looked conflicted "Tonight?"

"Yea?" Sky looked really hopeful "Can you!? Please please pleaseee!? 

Nina sighed. She wasn't busy tonight so it wouldn't hurt to go out with Skylar. 


Skylar squealed in joy "Okay so were gonna meet Oath, Maya, Tay---"

"Woah, hold up. The Five are coming?!"

"The Five? Is that what were calling them now?" Skylar looked amused as she raised a brow at a now panicked Nina

"You know what I mean"

"Listen, they aren't as bad as you think. Sure, they fight a lot but they have their good moments" 

Sighing, Nina slumped her shoulders and gave in. 

"Alright, where and when are we going"

Clapping her hands together Skylar smiled "Okay, were going to go to this new club called Green Light" Skylar turned around to let Nina resume what she was doing "Oh! And be ready by eight! Wear something nice!" 

Rolling her eyes, Nina watched Skylar run off. Turning back around, Nina continued punching her practice dummy. She had been going at it for an hour before Skylar had interrupted her. 

"A club huh?" 

"Honestly, I don't really want to go"

"It'll be fun Nina. Get you off of these training grounds"

"Frost ......"

"Okay, I understand you wanna be 'strong', but it wouldn't hurt to take a break once in a while"

With a final swing and a sigh, Nina stopped punching the dummy and grabbed her towel. Sure it wouldn't hurt to take a break, but.....

"But what?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt...."

"you'll see, its gonna me much more fun than watching you beat the shit out of things all day"

"Only because your not the one doing it"

"Ugh don't remind me..." 


Ding dong

Nina heard Skylar yell something on the lines of 'ill get it!' 

It was almost 8 and she had finally decided what to wear. Nina didn't know whether it looked good on her, but she didn't think it looked bad either. She had curled her golden locks and wore a purple dress with black heels. (compliments of Skylar) Applying little makeup, Nina grabbed her purse and began heading downstairs. This would be her first time going out with friends so she couldn't help but feel both excited and nervous. 

Reaching the bottom of the steps, she saw Skylar, Maya, Oath, Alexis, and Taylor all talking among each other and wearing fancy dresses. 

"Wheres Angie?" Nina wondered why she only saw four of the sisters. 

"Holy shit you look hot"

"I've created a monster"

"Oh my gosh"

"Fuck me right now..."

"I think i'm gay.... "

5 pairs of voices all spoke at once when their eyes landed on Nina. No one could deny she was absolutely gorgeous. 

Skylar ran up to Nina as best as she could in her own heels and grabbed her shoulders.

"Nina oh my gosh. You look like a god." 

"Oh" Nina felt her cheeks warming up "Thanks?" 

"Don't thank me, thank your mamma" Frowning, Nina ignored Skylars last comment. 

"So....wheres Angie?" 

This time, it was Oath who spoke "Alright, well me and Alexis are fine going into the club. You, Skylar, Taylor and Maya wont have any trouble either since you all look older than you really are. Angie would come....but shes 16, and we kind of draw the line there" 

"Alright Ladys'! Lets get in the car!" Everyone cheered, including Nina as they all headed to the front door. 

"How are we all gonna fit in the car?" 

"The tiniest person has to sit on someones lap" 

"Who's the tiniest?" 

"Maya" Maya heard this and huffed, sashaying to the car.

Oath was driving so she got into the front seat, Alexis sat beside her. Taylor, Skylar and Nina got in next. To Ninas surprise, Maya decided to sit on her. Not that she was heavy or anything, in fact it was quite the opposite. Nina felt herself go red, thankfully, it was dark out so no one could really tell. 

"Alright ladys buckle up!" Oath screamed as she started up the car and turned the radio on. 

Maya grabbed the seat belt and buckled it in, bringing her and Nina closer. Nina couldn't help but love the way Maya smelt like lavender. 

"Alright, so here's the plan girls. We all go in together. We all come out together. No going home with any strangers tonight" Oath looked at Alexis while she said this "If your not with the group by one, then were going to have a problem" 

After that little beat down, Alexis increased the radios volume and began singing along to one of the songs. 

"Oh my god Alex!? Seriously? Taylor Swift!?" Maya was trying hard not to rip a lung with all the screaming she was doing. 

"CUZ BABY NOW WE GOT BAD BLOOD" Taylor and Oath began singing along to Mayas dismay. 

Nina laughed and then blushed when Maya sighed and leaned back into her, resting her head on Ninas shoulder. Having no idea how to react, Nina just let her be. 

Next update will be soon. Chapter is all ready. Next chapter is gonna be a little more juicy >:3 

The Hidden Hunter (GXG) *HIATUS*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz