23. Three Years part 1

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I was listening to Capsize by FRENSHIP while writing this chapter and thought it was pretty fitting... I guess. Oh well.... Its still a good song, so I recommend listening to it with this chapter ;)


"Come in Nina." The alpha ushered Nina into his office. "Close the door on your way in." The alpha took a seat in his chair and looked at the girl standing in front of him proudly.

"When I first met you, you were a weak, bony little girl. The only reason I even let you into the pack was because you had saved two of my pack members, and you looked so fragile that I thought, no way could this girl do any harm to my family. In your state, I honestly don't know how you even save Skylar and Kylie. That was three years ago, and for the last three years, you've been working so hard Nina. You've become so strong, even Arthur was shocked with the results the last time he tested you. It hurts my ego to say this but.... I think your strength is on a level almost higher than mine, which sounds crazy because I'm an alpha and we still don't know who your family is but, with this in mind, I have a proposition for you."

"What kind of proposition exactly?"

"One that pays well, and isn't that hard to do, at least not for you."

"Pays well? What do you mean?"

"Attend the next pack meeting. It will be tomorrow. You'll get more information then."

Confused but somewhat excited, Nina bid goodbye to the alpha and exit his office. She had been training exceptionally hard over the last six months, while also attending her job as a waitress. Her improvement in just a couple years had not only shocked Arthur, but it had also shocked Dave Triton. Who knew three years would fly by so quickly.

Nina was about to head back home when Skylar suddenly popped into her head.


"Skylar hey. Are you ok?"



"no...not really."

"Where are you right now?"

"The lake."

"I'm heading over there right now."

It took Nina thirty minutes to get to the lake, and when she got there, Skylar was a mess. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was sniffling with her knees tucked into her chest.

"Oh my gosh Sky, are you okay?"

Skylar squinted her eyes at Nina. "Do I look okay?"

Nina sighed and sat beside Skylar. "Hey, its been six months Skylar. You'll get over her soon, don't worry."

"You say that like we were together." Skylar sighed and put her head in her hands. "This is despicable. We weren't even dating and I'm acting like she was the love of my life."

"Was she?"

Skylar scoffed. "Its not like it would matter now anyways."

Nina tried to lighten the mood by changing the subject. "Guess what?"


"The alpha said he's got a job for me."


"Yea. Apparently it pays really well and you know, I was thinking we could go together to get your mind off of things. I still have to attend this meeting tomorrow and ask the alpha but I'm pretty sure he'll say y— "

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