10. A New Everything

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Nina had woken up in the morning only to find herself in an strange bed and an even stranger room.

She slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom.

Remembering where she was and whos house she was supposedly in, Nina brushed her teeth using the toothbrush Skylar had laid out just for her and started heading downstairs.

Now that Nina paid attention, she could tell Skylars parents werent either betas or Alphas. Ninas former 'family' had been a beta family and they had lived in a much larger house than Skylars. Obviously the Triton pack was much more powerful than the Bloodhound pack, so their normal houses were much larger than the normal homes in the Bloodhound packs.

As Nina made her way towards the kitchen, or where she assumed was the kitchen because of the mouthwatering smell that was coming from it, she couldnt help but admire how cozy and warm Skylars house was. She had yet to meet Skylars parents but she could only hope they were as friendly as Skylar.

Walking into the kitchen, Skylar immediately got out of her chair and ran to hug Nina.

"Look who finally woke up you sleepyhead!"

"What time is it?"

"Its actually ten in the morning" Before Nina could ask how she was a sleepyhead Skylar added "You slept for a whole day"

Ninas eyes widened before she mumbled an oh. Getting a chair out for Nina, Skylar motioned for her to come sit with them. Nina hadnt realized before but two other people were in the kitchen with them, both looking at Nina with a mixture of wonder and gratefulness.

"Oh yea, before I forget" Skylar motioned towards the two people "Youve already met Kylie, but this is my mom, Cindy. Shes one of the pack teachers. Teaches at Triton high school" The woman simply smiled at Nina before Skylar continued "This one over here is my dad, Arthur. Hes one of our packs fighters, really strong if I do say so myself " The man simply raised an amused brow at Skylar before he turned to Nina.

"I cant thank you enough for saving my girls. They were gone for a week and we were so devastated" He looked at his wife before continuing "We heard you have no where else to go, so if you would like, we would love if you joined our family" Cindy and Arthur both smiled lovingly at Nina.

"Frost? Do you hear them?"

"Oh I hear them loud and clear. I also see them and can I say they are the cutest things ever"

"I think.....I think I wanna say yes Frost.

"Nina. These people seem to be the most genuine Ive ever seen, so if they want you to be apart of their family, girl you better be apart of this family"

Nina simply giggled at Frosts odd way of persuasion, if she could even call it that. Looking at Arthur and Cindy she smiled "I would love to be apart of this family"

Suddenly Skylar spoke up "Dont worry, were the best white family ever" The whole table broke out into laughter. Nina just looked confused

Skylar took one look at Nina and just laughed harder.

"At least they can laugh...." Frost was also very confused, yet she was also a bit amused. This family was definitely something.
"It's an inside joke" Cindy said as she wiped some tears away.
Nina still had a very confused face so Arthur decided to clarify "our last name is white"
Nina formed an oh with her mouth and smiled. She hadn't even been with these people for more than an hour but she was already beginning to love them.

After the Whites had finally settled down, Skylar decided to ask what she had been wanting to ask Nina for a very long time.

"Nina, why do you always zone out sometimes"

"What do you mean"

"I think she means when we communicate"

"Well, Ive noticed that you sometimes just look like your in your own world. Not that no one zones out, you just....you just do it more often than usual."

"Yea, I guess she is" Nina agreed with Frost

"I speak to Frost"

"Whos Frost?" The Whites looked confused

"Shes my wolf" The Whites exchanged a look and then Arthur spoke

"You speak to your wolf?" He genuinely looked lost, and Nina found it odd. Didnt everyone speak to their wolves?


This time it was Cindy who spoke up "How often do you communicate dear?"

"Everyday......." Nina could tell from the way they were reacting that this wasnt normal.....at least not for them "Doesnt everyone talk to their wolf?"

Arthur, Cindy, and Skylar both looked at Nina in wonder before a look of realization came upon Skylars face

"Oh my gosh! wait.....no....that cant be...." Skylars face contorted in confusion as she mumbled the last bit.

"What is it dear" Skylars parents looked at her with concern

"Nothing...its just that...I was wondering, you know, since you seemed a bit different when you were rescuing us"

"yea. That was Frost" At this point, even Frost was a bit concerned. She also assumed everyone else talked to their human counterpart this way. Its not like she had any other wolf contact until now. Actually, even until now she actually hadnt made any contact with another wolf yet.

"Thats.....amazing" Arthur said as he looked at Nina in amazement.

The Whites began asking Nina more questions regarding her past and how she met Frost. At this point, Nina started to begin feeling very uncomfortable so she decided to just head out and look around the pack a little.

"Yea....sorry....I uh...should probably head out to uh.....formally introduce myself..."

"that seemed believable" Nina could detect the sarcasm dripping from Frost as she got up from her seat and forced a smile to her face. "Ill see everyone later" With that, she started towards the front door.

Before she could leave the house, she heard Skylars cheery voice approach her from behind.

"Hey! Ill help you get to know people!" Nina gave a nod to Skylar as they both began heading out the door.

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