9. A Place To Call Home

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Frost had lost track of how long it took the girls to reach Skylars pack. She had expected herself to get tired of carrying Kylie. She had expected Nina to dose off in the middle of a conversation. She even expected the heavy rain that had began an hour into their journey. What she hadn't expected was to be trapped in the Triton's pack jail cell, awaiting a trial to determine if she could live.

Right now, Skylar was talking to the pack council, explaining how Frost (or in her case Nina) had saved her and Kylies life. Unfortunately, neither Nina or Frost had realized that they were headed to the Tritons pack. Dave Tritons pack. The most cautious and one of the strongest packs in the country. It came as no surprise when they had immediately been apprehended and thrown into a cell. They should have realized earlier when the Tritons pack was mentioned. Unfortunately they were too busy trying to get to a safe place so they could live rather than focus on where they were heading. 

"hey Frost"


"There's no one else in these cells"

"I assume the Tritons don't keep prisoners" 

"oh...." Nina started to get a little nervous. She had been asleep halfway into the journey and now was allowing Frost to rest a little. Unfortunately that meant the sooner the Tritons decided what their fate would be, the sooner Nina would have to face a bunch of scary, questioning wolves. 

Leaning her head on one of the cold jail cell walls, Nina began to dose off. Although she had gotten a little bit of shut eye during the walk here, she couldn't help but feel physically exhausted because of everything that had been going on for the past few days. First they ran away from home. Then they got captured. Now they were being held hostage. Who knew, at this point, they could be abducted by aliens next. Closing her eyes, Nina drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep. 


"Wake up!" 

"Werewolf girl!" 

"ugh this is pointless.."

Nina was jolted awake when she felt freezing, icy water splash all over her. She glared at who her assaulter was and saw Skylar holding a bucket. 

"Yea...." Skylar chuckled a little nervously " You wouldn't wake up....and you never told me your name so...." She shrugged, a little lopsided grin forming on her face. 



"My name is Nina" 

A look of realization formed on Skylars face as her little grin turned into a smile. Nina hadn't realized that Skylar was in the cell with her until Skylar reached her hand to help Nina up. 

Smiling a little at the kind gesture, Nina grabbed Skylars hand and got up. 

"Shit. Its freezing" Nina said immediately while wrapping her arms around herself 

Skylar giggled a little while Nina only narrowed her eyes. 

"Oh yea, by the way, the elders agreed to let you stay" Skylar smiled "Your going to have to be watched by a pack member at all times but other then that, I guess you can consider this place your new home " suddenly her face became serious "Also, I honestly cant thank you enough for getting me and Kylie out of there. We owe you our lives " A tear fell down Skylars face. 

Nina, sensing the now thick atmosphere, decided to just keep quiet and let Skylar have her moment. She didn't know whether to comfort her or to say anything else to Skylar so she just followed her out of the jailhouse they were in. 

"I can show you around the pack later but for now the alpha wants to see you" 

It was dark as Nina followed Skylar through the mass of forest they were surrounded by, which evidently meant Nina had been inside a jail cell for at least a couple hours since they had arrived in the evening. They had crossed a couple of houses on the way there but none of them compared to the large mansion that stood before Nina right now. 

"wow" It seemed the glory of the mansion had woken Frost up 

"I know right. They never had this at the old pack.." Shaking her head, Nina looked towards Skylar to see her giving her a weird look. 

Before Nina could speak, the door to the mansion suddenly flew open and a tall burly man stepped out. His black hair only made his blue eyes seem more intimidating in the dark. He had laugh lines which stood out very clearly. Unfortunately he wasn't laughing right now. He towered over Nina's 5'6 at what appeared to be 6'3, and not only was he intimidating when he was far away, but as he neared the two girls, Nina couldn't help but stifle a sudden growl that had made its way to her throat. 

"wow. That's never happened before." 

Chuckling was Frosts only reply

"Skylar, this must be..." The man paused, he had a deep voice that dripped with power, yet for some reason Nina didn't feel as affected as she should have "I'm sorry dear, whats your name again?" The mans intimidating demeanor had quickly disappeared and was now replaced with a more friendly tone. 

"Her name is Nina" 

The man gave Skylar a friendly glare "I assume she can speak for herself Sky" 

Confirming her name, Nina gave the man a nod "My name is Nina" 

"Alright then Nina" The man smiled "If you don't mind me, I'll be heading to bed now. Need to get some shut eye. Don't want me looking like an old man now do we" The man gave a throaty chuckle before he bid farewell to a slightly confused Nina and a very amused Skylar. Nina wondered why he only came out to meet her. All he had said was hello and then left. What an odd man. 

After the door to the mansion closed, Skylar began leading Nina to the more suburban area of the pack town. 

"That was Dave Triton by the way" 

Ninas eyes widened and Frost suddenly broke out into a howling laughter 

"The alpha!? Dave Triton the alpha!?" 

"Yup that's him alright" Skylar chuckled a little "He's less menacing than people make him out to be. Hes actually a friendly giant" Skylar paused "but don't be mistaken, you don't wanna get on his bad side" She shivered "He may seem friendly now, but if you ever do anything to hurt his pack or family......." Skylar didn't finish her sentence 

"What will he do" Nina was too curious. she couldn't help but ask.

"You don't wanna know" 

Grabbing Ninas hand, Skylar dragged Nina down the street towards a house which Nina didn't really pay much attention too since she was being dragged up the front stairs and into the doorway. 

"Now come on. We need to get you dried up" 

I actually have the next couple chapters written cuz I thought Id post them on little schedule but if ppl want updates sooner....you know, just say so cuz I got them written anyways xD. Btw, I've been thinking about it and I cant rlly decide what to do. Should I just do like a 3 year fast forward to when Nina is suddenly this majestic creature :3, or do you guys kinda want me to just have some like 6 month - 1 year time forwards in the later chapters to inform you of the progress shes been making. obviously these are gonna happen after shes developed a little and met more ppl and what not but Comment and lemme know :P 

criticism always appreciated. 

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