12. Realizations

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"Lets talk" 

Dave looked Nina square in the eyes while his hand reached for something in his desk. 

Nina followed his movement as he put a piece of paper in front of her. 

"this is a contract. Every member that has not been born into the pack signs one in order to get in" 

Nina didn't respond. 

The alphas brows furrowed "correct me if i'm wrong. You do want to be apart of this pack, do you not?" 

"Y-yes!" Nina blushed. She didn't want to sound too desperate "I mean y-yea. Of course I do" 

Hearing a crash from outside the office, Dave sighed while he ran his fingers through his hair. "Read this" He shoved the paper towards Nina "while I go see what those girls are up to this time" 

Nina watched the alpha exit the room before she turned to the contract. 

"Frost, what does it say" 

"Why don't you read it and find out genius" 

Looking at the contract, Nina began to read it. 

What it stated was simple. They would have a ceremony in order for her to enter the pack. It could either be just her and the alpha, or it could be the whole pack.

 During the ceremony Nina would have to shift. The alpha apparently needed to know what her wolf looked like. 

"We should ask him about that later" 

Then she would have to do a small blood ritual thing. She would put some of her blood in a cup while the alpha did the same and then they would drink the others cup. That sounded nasty, yet it was mandatory. 

After the ritual, Nina would have to do both a physical and mental test. 

That was all there was to it. It sounded simple enough. Nina only hoped it would be. 

Entering the room, Dave looked towards Nina and grabbed a pen from his desk drawer. 

"Have you decided?"

Nina nodded and took the pen he was holding out to her. 

"Ah, before you sign, there is one more thing the contract doesn't state" Nina stopped and looked towards Dave "If you ever" He paused and looked her dead in the eye "and I mean ever  betray this pack or me, I will not hesitate in ending your life" 

Ninas eyes widened. He had said it as though it was common knowledge. So this is what Skylar had meant when she said to never get on his bad side. 

"I wont" and with that, Nina signed the contract. 

Dave smiled, clapping his hands together. "Great, now before we head outside I want to ask you a couple questions, you know, safe measures" 

Nodding her head, Nina watched as he clicked a couple of things on his computer.

"These are just for the record" He clicked a a couple more times and looked towards Nina

"Alright, whats your first name" 


"These are gonna be easy, don't stress" 

"Last name" 

"spoke too soon"

'"Shit. Frost what do I say!?"

"I....I don't have a last name" 

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