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guys I do not know how court works especially in another country so here's what I know from watching Judge Judy (queen)

Dan's POV

"Do you know where they are?" Phil asked Nick, his voice quiet trying not to let me hear. "I don't want him to see them."

"They're in the room just over there. I'm sorry but they have to be brought out." He answered at the same volume.

"I honestly don't mind." I sang, casually joining their 'secret' conversation. Phil jumped slightly but grabbed my hand reassuringly with a smile separating his lips.

It had been a couple days since I'd been back. We got the court date set up and were now sitting at a little table in front of the judge. It was soon to start so I would have to brave the huge audience of people behind us.

The judge entered the room causing everyone to shut up and watch us.

"If Dan Howell and Phil Lester could stand up please." She spoke calmly. The security guard made sure our hands were up to do that pledge everyone does in the movies.

"Do you, Dan Howell, promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth while here in the presence of our judge." He asks. I didn't know exactly what to say but I choked lightly.

"Yes. I do." I smiled kindly. He asked the same to Phil who had the same awkward answer as me. We're so similar it's crazy.

"Good now we can get started. It seems like there's a back story with Phil and Liz here so if we can bring them out." She motioned to the guard who opened the door for Liz.

She looked terrible. Like she hadn't slept in a while. She had some bruises on her arms as well probably from the hands of the guards or maybe even Jay.

Phil was standing in front of the table, twisting his fingers. When he was given the signal he began talking.

"I met Liz online sometime last year. We had become so close so fast and when we finally met, I thought I was in love with her." He began, cringing slightly. "It wasn't a long time before I asked her to marry me." He glanced at me with sadness in his eyes.

"So why didn't you follow through with it? I suppose it's everyone's nightmare to have their fiancee break up with them." The judge narrowed her eyes.

"Because my best friend, Dan here, pointed out that she only wanted my money. At first I didn't believe him. I was in love. I couldn't believe that someone so... perfect to me at the time didn't reciprocate it truly. I make a lot of money online, it's my job, and he pointed out how much I spent on her daily." He frowned again.

Nick gave the guard some receipts Phil still had so the judge could see. She took a moment to read everything over.

"Alright. But when you found out what happened?" It looked like she was believing everything.

"I was upset for a while before I realized my feelings for Dan." He smiled lightly. "We had been best friends for years and now we're getting married." He looked at me. I couldn't stop the grin.

"Alright. Please sit Phil and if Dan can come up." She gestured me to stand. The door opened to let Jay through and for a second I froze hoping he wouldn't get to me. "You're fine, Daniel." The judge broke my eye contact with him.

He sat next to Liz since they were both involved. His angry eyes never left me which made me uncomfortable in many ways.

"It is requested by Liz that you show your bruises and rub makeup remover over some of them." The judge reads confused. I took off my shirt showing the still blue bruises, irritated cuts and the slight appearance of my ribs. 

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