Chapter 43: Captured by Lockdown

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We continued our journey to get to our destination. We had to find Lockdown. I sat in Ironhide's vehicle mode and my eyes widen when I spot three robotic beings in front of us. 

The bigger one transformed and started destroying vehicles. He launched five missiles at us. They all went towards Optimus. I growled. I was not going to sit and watch my brother get harmed. I gasped when RazorBlade started fighting Optimus with the bigger one that looked a lot like Megatron.

"Gotta haul ass, Bee! Come on!", Cade yelled.

"StormBlazer!", Ironhide yelled out, I nod and hop out through the window, transforming.

More missiles were fired at us and we all managed to doge them. They hit civilian drivers and we all had to jump over the flaming vehicles. When I landed, I watched as Optimus and Bee jump over as well. 

My spark pounded with anger and fear. The matrix, that no one knew about, fueled my spark with the needed Energon. I had missed my dose of Energon but the matrix always had it covered.

Optimus and Bee continued to fall. My optics widen when I spot Shane, Tessa, and Cade in the air. Optimus caught Tessa, though Bee was having a little bit of a difficulty catching Shane, once Bee got Shane and Cade, he tossed them to Optimus who caught them.

"Come on, Optimus!", I heard Cade say when they landed and started driving.

Galvatron launched more missiles at Optimus. One missile hit Optimus causing him to transform and for the humans to land roughly on the grass. Tessa, however, landed just underneath of Optimus.

"Tessa!", Cade yelled.

Said girl did her best to stay out of the way and to avoid being crushed. I did my best to help Optimus, RazorBlade and Stinger no where to be found. Bumblebee and the others were no doubt pursuing the two.

"Tessa! Tessa! Tessa, run to the field!", Cade yelled.

I silently watched Optimus, waiting for the perfect time to join in and fight. The two ended up inching closer to Tessa. The poor girl was a danger magnet.

"You have no soul!", Optimus told Galvatron.

"That is why I have no fear!", Galvatron responded, "You die!"

The two continued to fight. There was no way to help Optimus without causing more damage. Wait! Lori! I opened my spark chamber for a split second. I smiled when I seen her resting peacefully then closed my chamber.

"Help me!", Tessa yelled, I sighed.

There was no way I could get to her. I gasped when I spotted a missile. Where did it come from? It ended up hitting Optimus. I couldn't tell where though. I turned around to figure out who had launched it when I spotted a huge ship.

"No.", I gasped when Lockdown came into view.

His face turned into a gun and shot at Optimus. Galvatron retreated. Optimus ended up on the van that Tessa was hiding behind. Tessa climbed into the van and closed the driver side door. Lockdown kept walking towards Optimus.

"I got to go get her.", Cade said, snapping me from my thoughts, "Tessa!"

"Don't go out there! He'll kill you!", Shane yelled, keeping Cade from killing himself.

"She needs my help!", Cade yelled.

"She's hidden!", Shane responded.

"Optimus! Optimus, get up, get up!", Tessa chanted from inside the vehicle.

"I can't. Get out of here.", Optimus said, his voice a little strained.

"I feel sorry for you, Prime.", Lockdown started, "Your allegiance to these humans. The trouble with loyalty to a cause is that the cause will always betray you."

"Who sent you here?", Optimus asked.

"Where do you think you came from? You think you were born? No. You were built. And your creators want you back. We all work for someone.", Lockdown answered.

A smaller ship came towards the two. I ran over to them and the net went over the three of us. I had to protect Tessa for Cade. For Lori. Tessa was meant to be the mother of Lori. I transformed into my human form, Lori ended up in my arms.

"No, no. No.", Tessa panicked.

"It's got her!", Shane said, "She's in the car!"

"Tessa!", Cade yelled, running towards us.

"No!", Shane yelled, running after Cade.

"Tessa!", Cade continued.

"Dad!", Tessa yelled, the net lifting us up.

"Tessa, get out!", Cade yelled, "Get out! Tessa! Get out! Tessa!"

"Dad, help me!", Tessa pleaded.

"Tessa!", Cade yelled, trying to break the glass.

"Help me, help me! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!", Tessa yelled.

"Tessa! Break the glass!",  Cade told her, "Break the glass to get out!"

"I'm trying!", Tessa yelled as Cade jumped and held onto the net.

"Tessa, I can't hold on!", Cade yelled, his fingers were slipping.

"Dad!", Tessa yelled.


"Help me!"

"Just break it! Break the glass!", Cade slipped off, "Tess..."

"Cade, warn the Autobots!", Optimus yelled.

"Don't worry, Cade! I'll protect Tessa!", I yelled, the wind whipping my hair in my face.

"Dad, help me! Don't leave me!", Tessa continued.

"No!", Cade yelled, slamming his fist onto the concrete.

Shane ran over to Cade. I watched until I couldn't see them anymore. I looked over at Tessa. She was crying.

"It's okay, Tessa. You're going to be okay. Knowing them, they will save us. You will see your father again.", I smiled sadly and she looked up at me.

We'll be okay....

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