Chapter 29: Good Bye

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The bad feeling I had disappeared when Sentinal left the base. It was over. Whatever had to happen, happened. The question is what did happen. I turned to face the others only to not see Skids or Mudflap.

"Where are the twins?", I asked.

"They perished while saving Ironhide.", Optimus answered.

"Cosmic rust. Killed them instantly.", Ironhide said and turned to me.

We left base soon after. We had gotten word that the Decepticons and Sentinal were setting up the pillars.

"Commenting transport.", Sentinal said.

"Stop! No, no Sentinal.", Optimus said as he tried to stop him.

"Forgive me.", Sentinal said.

"Forgive you?! After you sided with the Decepticons? No way, Sentinal!", I yelled and transformed my sparkling hold into a Cybertronian form of a car seat to protect IronStar.

"Here we are. Fight us now.", Megatron said, I glared at the mech I considered a brother.

"Autobots, retreat!", Optimus ordered.

Sentinal charged at Optimus and the two started to fight.

"Why, Sentinal? Why?", Optimus asked.

"For Cybertron! For our home! What war destroyed, we can rebuild! But only if we join with the Decepticons.", Sentinal answered.

"No, it's not the only way! This is our home! We must defend the humans!", Optimus tried to reason with Sentinal.

"So lost you are, Optimus. On Cybertron, we were gods. And here... they call us machines. Let the humans serve us, or perish! You're lucky I didn't kill you. In time, you'll see.", Sentinal argued.

"It's not over.", Optimus and I growled.

We left and went back to base. Optimus watched as Sentinal made a speech about something. I wasn't paying attention. I was more focused on other things. Mudflap and skids died protecting Ironhide. Why? I don't know.

Now Sentinal wants to kill al, the Autobots who won't join the cons. Why? He thinks CYBERTRON would be better and we would be able to rebuild out home if we sided. Me? Not so much. I hate the Decepticons and that's all I have to say.

"Good bye Skids, Mudflap, thanks for protecting Ironhide. I will never understand why you did it but you are in my spark and I owe you my grattitide.  I am sorry you won't be able to see Cybertron when it is rebuilt. I hope you enjoy the all spark. We all miss you two. Even Optimus. The base is much too quiet without you.", I frown.

They were good mechs. Good friends. Good warriors.

Sorry, I know it's short. Next one will be longer.

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