Chapter 8: Problems

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The agent went over to a radio and spoke into it, "Banachek. What's going on?" So, the agent's name is Banachek, interesting. "Well, the NBE-1 hanger has lost power-", I gasped and held the mini-bot close. "What!", Banachek exclaimed. "-and the backup generator is just not going to cut it.", the technician explained. "Do you have arms room?", Mr. Cannon thief asked. "I'll bring security to the...", an S7 agent trailed off.

"Get everyone to the NBE-1 chamber now!", Banachek demanded. 'Is he crazy?! Megatron could kill us all!', I signed. "The lights are out!", the S7 agent yelled. "Move it! Move it! Lets go!", one of the soldiers yelled as people grabbed weapons. "They're popping our generators.", Banachek explained. "16502. We're loosing pressure.", an S7 announcer said as I took out my cannons.

"LightBeam, stay on my shoulder.", I told the mini-bot and he obeyed. "Stand by. Set!", the technician said. "We're loosing pressure! The cryogenic system is failing! We're loosing NBE-1!", the announcer yelled. "Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table!", Simmons said and pointed to a nearby table. "That's good. Get all the ammo you got. Everything you can carry. Bring it.", Epps said.

"You got to take me to my car. You have to take me to my car. He's gonna know what to do with the Cube.", Sam demanded. "Your car? It's confiscated.", Simmons said and I growled. "Then un-confiscate it.", Sam said. "We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!", Simmons argued. "You don't know-", Simmons cut Sam off. "Maybe you know, but I don't know.", Simmons said.

"You just wanna sit here and wait and see what happens?", Sam asked. "I have people's lives at stake here, young man.", Simmons responded. "Take him to his car!", Lenoxx demanded. "Wha-", Simmons got cut off. "Whoa!", an S7 agent yelled as guns/cannons were taken out. "Drop it.", Lennox ordered. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!", Banachek yelled.

"Drop you weapon soldier. That's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me?", Simmons asked. "You know, we didn't ask to be here.", Mr. Cannon taker said. "I'm ordering you under S7 executive jurisdiction.", Simmons said. "S7 don't exist.", Epps and I said in unison, we both looked at one another. "Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist.", Lennox said.

"I'm gonna count to 5.", Simmons challenged. "Yeah? Well, I am gonna count to 3.", I took out my cannon and aimed it at Simmons' chest, "If I get there, it could get messy." I started counting down from 3, using my fingers as a threat to Simmons. "Simmons?", I looked over at the male. "Yes, sir?", sir, so he is the secretary of defense, huh.

"I'd do what he says. Loosing's really not an option for these guys.", I smirked at Simmons. "Alright. Okay. Hey, you want to lay the fate of the world on the kid's Camaro? That's cool.", Simmons said. I nodded towards Epps, he and I had talked earlier.


'Epps?', I signaled and tapped lightly on his shoulder. "Yeah? What do you need, Lori?", Epps asked. 'It's StormBlazer. And I have a feeling Sam is going to ask Simmons to take him to his car. If and when that happens, I will stay with the Cube to see if I can do anything.', I signed. "Okay, what's the signal?", he asked.

'When I nod, explain the plan to Mr. Cannon taker and head out with the rest of the group.', I signaled and he nodded in understanding. "Alright. His name is Will Lennox, by the way.", I nodded and we caught up with the group.

-End of FB-

Epps walked over to Lennox and explained to him what I will be doing. Lennox walked over, "All right. I'll allow you to stay with the Cube. But how do you plan on getting it out of here? Your human." I laughed. 'I'm not human. The reason I am using sign language is because my home language, no one on Earth understands.', I signaled and he nodded. "Plan?", he reminded me.

'Oh, yes. I am not sure yet. I am sure that I will find a way, though.', he sighed and left with the group. I walked over to the Cube and looked around for any sign of human life. None. I leaned on the Cube and sighed as electricity went through my body. "Primus?", I hoped he could hear me. "Ah, StormBlazer. I was hoping you'd call today. How is Earth?", Primus asked and I smiled.

"Earth is wonderful, but I need to know how I can get the Cube out of the Decepticons reach. ", I explained. "Very well. You will need Bumblebee though. In order to get the Cube out of the Dam, you must shrink it. Touch the Cube with Bumblebee and it shall obey, you and you alone.", I nodded. "Thank you, Primus. I hope to talk again soon.", I smiled.

Wait, why would it obey only me? Wait....I am the Cube. I was designed this way for this purpose. Any thing I think of, the Cube will obey. "Earth to....Storm.....Blazer.", I looked next to me and smiled when I seen Bee. "Hello, Bumblebee.", I smiled. " it....not....shrinking?", Bee asked aloud and I noticed he was trying to shrink it. "Oops. My bad.", I touched the Cube, "Obey me. Transform."

"Ah, okay, here we go. They're doing something. They're doing something.", Epps said. "How...", Bee looked at me. "I am the Cube, thus the Cube obeys me.", I smiled and handed the Cube to Sam. "Whoa.", Sam gasped. "Oh my god.", Mik came over and inspected me. I looked down and realized my bot mode was showing. I was still as small as a human, but my armor was on me.

'Eh, it will keep doing that for a while.', I signed and limped over to Bee. I had forgotten about the bullet wound until now. "What's wrong?", Epps asked as he noticed me limping. 'Been walking all day.', I signed and talked to Bee, "When we get back to the others, I have got to see Ratchet before Optimus sees me." Bee nodded in acknowledgement.

"Message from Starfleet, captain. Let's get to it.", Bee said to Lennox. "He's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hanger. Mission City is twenty two miles away. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city.", Lennox informed everyone. "Good! Right!", Mr. Sec. of defense agreed. "But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force.", Lennox informed.

"This place must have some kind of radio link!", Mr. Secretary said. "Yes!", Simmons exclaimed. "Shortwave, CB?", Mr. Secretary asked. "Right! Yes!", Simmons answered. "Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!", Lennox yelled. "In the alien archive, sir!", Simmons said to the Secretary. "The alien archive-", Simmons cut him off.

"There's an old army radio console.", Simmons explained. "Will it work?", the Secretary asked. "I don't k- Anything's possible! Did you see that? Poof!", Simmons said dramatically. "Alright, Sam, Mikaela, Storm, get in the car! Mister Secretary! Get our birds in the air. When we get to the city, we're not gonna find a radio, and I'll have Epps vector them in, okay?", Lennox ordered.

"Affirmative.", the secretary agreed. "Warning! NBE-1 cryo-tainment failing.", I gulped. "Check that backup system! The cryo's failing! You got to pump up the cryo!  The cryo's failing!  Come on! Get out of here! Heads up! Look out!", the technician yelled. We drove out and Lennox started yelling, "Set a perimeter around the yellow vehicle!" "This way, this way, this way!", Simmons ordered.

"Up there, lets go!", a technician yelled. "I am.........Megatron!", I gasped and clung onto Bee's front seat. "What's wrong?", Bee asked. "I have never faced Megatron without Optimus, but if we don't get out of here, now, I might have to!", I responded. I heard the technicians screaming, dying, and yelling out to 'look out'. "Cube's ok?", Sam asked Mik. "Yeah. It's fine.", Mik answered and I sighed.

"Put the seatbelt on it.", Sam and Mik put the seatbelt on the Cube and I raised an eyebrow at them. "Pour it on them!", a technician yelled. "Bee open a private link to Ratchet.", I ordered as the pain increased. Bee commed Ratchet. "Bee? What's wrong?", Ratchet asked through the link. "I told Bee to open a private link with you. Looks like I am visiting the med bay a- Gah!", I gasped as the pain got worse.

"StormBlazer! What's wrong?!", Ratchet asked, concerned for me. "When Simmons took me from Sam's house. He was talking to us about our species. He shot me for no reason. The pain increased after Bee, Sam, Mikaela and I found the Cube. It's currently in our possession.", I groaned. "I'll let O-", I cut Ratchet off. "No! Don't tell, Optimus. I don't want him to worry.", he sighed and the link was cut.

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