Chapter 6: Meeting Sector Seven

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"I want you to distract my parents while I slip out and get these glasses to them, okay?", Mak and I nodded. The doorbell rang and Ron answered it. "Ronald Wickety?", a guy in a tux asked. "It's Witwicky. Who are you?", Ron asked. "We're the government. Sector Seven.", the guy answered and I rolled my eyes. Sounds fake. "Never heard of it.", Ron said.

"Never will. Your son and daughter are the great-grandkids of Captain Archibald Wickity, are they not?", I growled. 'We just heard about S. Seven, idiot.', I signed and he eyed me. "It's Witwicky.", Ron snapped. "What's with her?", the guy asked. "She is mute.", Sam quickly explained and I silently thanked him. "Okay. May I enter the premises, sir?", the guy asked and walked in.

"Ron, there's guys all over the front yard.", Judy exclaimed. "What the heck is going on here?", Ron asked when he seen the guys. "Your son filed a stolen car report last night. We think it's involved in a national security matter.", the guy answered. "National security?", Ron asked. "They're ripping up my rosebushes!", Judy yelled. "That's right. National security.", the guy confirmed.

I have got to learn his name. "My god, Ron, they're everywhere! There's guys in suits all around the house! Look at this!", Judy yelled and I covered my sensitive ears. "Could you stay off the grass?", Ron asked. "Get me a sample and some isotope readings.", the guy ordered. "They're pulling bushes out of the ground! Good Lord! They've got their hands on my bushes!", Judy held up her bat.

"Dropt the bat, ma'am.", the guy ordered. "Hey, hey, hey that's my-", Ron went to defend Judy. "I'm carrying a loaded weapon.", the guy challenged. I took out my cannon and signaled, 'So am I.' "But you'd better get those guys out of my garden or I am gonna beat the crap out of them!", Judy warned and I turned to Sam. 'Remind me never to get her mad.', I signaled and Mik nodded in agreement.

"Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints? Fever?", the guy asked Judy. "No!", Judy took a threatening swing with the bat and I jumped. "What is this?", Sam asked when he noticed the guy in the doorway. "How you doing, son? Is your name Sam? And yours, Lori?", the guy asked. "Yeah.", Sam responded and I nodded. I so want to play heads/tails right now.

Y'know the one where I flip a coin and if it's heads I kill him and if it's tails I kill him? Yeah, that one. "Well, I need you both to come with us.", the guy ordered. "What?", Judy asked and stepped in front of me. "Whoa, way out of line.", Ron said and stepped in front of Sam. "Sir, I am asking politely. Back off.", yeah 'politely' my ass. "Your not taking my kids.", Ron argued.

"Really? You gonna try to get rough with us?", the guy asked. "No, but I'm gonna call the cops because there's something fishy going on around here.", Ron replied. "Yeah.", Judy agreed. "Yeah. There's something a little fishy about you, your kids, your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here.", the guy said and I gulped.

"What operation?", Ron asked. "That's what we are going to find out.", the guy responded and an agent came over to him. "I think direct contact.", the agent said. "Kids?", the guy asked. "Yeah?", Sam responded. "Step forward, please.", Sam and I did as we were told. "Fourteen rads and off the charts. Tag them and bag them!", the guy ordered and the agent cuffed me and Sam.

"What?", Judy asked and a guy picked up Mojo, "If you hurt my dog, I'll kick your ass!", Judy threatened. "Get me a sample on that vegetation ASAP!", the guy ordered as we were put in the S. Seven car. I want my brother. "Sam! Lori! Don't say anything!", Ron ordered and we nodded. "Yeah.", Sam responded. "Not until we get a lawyer!", Ron yelled.

The agent got in the driver seat and started up the car. The guy was eyeing me and I could tell he was undressing me with his eyes, so I did what I do best: give him the finger. I smirked as he turned around. "So, uh, LadiesMan217. That's your eBay username, right?", the guy asked and I raised an eyebrow at Sam. "Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it.", I rolled my eyes.

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