Chapter 40: Prank War

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This will be short.

I felt something tickling my nose so I went to smack it. My face all of a sudden felt cold. I heard someone leave my trailer where I was sleeping in my true form. I woke up with wide optics and grabbed a mirror IronStar put in here for her holoform. My optics widen even more.

"OPTIMUS PRIME!!!!!", I yelled before hearing footsteps.

-half an hour earlier Optimus POV-

"Cade, do you know any good pranks?", I asked.

"I do and you're in luck. StormBlazer managed to get some whip cream from the store.", Cade started and grabbed some small cans from the box Blaze was holding, "I'll help with the prank and I'm sure Tessa will want to join in. So, what we're going to do is put this on her hand and use a feather to try and tickle her a bit. She will try to smack it away and, in turn, get whip cream all over her face. Tessa!"

"Interesting....", I muttered.

"Yeah, dad?", Tessa asked when she came into the room.

"Want to join in?", Cade asked as he held up the two cans.

"Just like old times.", Tessa said, smiling, "Who's the latest victim?"

"Optimus' twin.", Cade answered and gestured towards my holoform.

"What'd I miss?", Tessa asked us, realizing that something had been said.

"Optimus, I'll let you explain this.", Cade said, Tessa looked over at me.

"Well, we're in somewhat of a prank war. I was hoping the two of you would like to help me out.", I explained, "We used to prank one another on a daily basis as younglings."

"Cool. I love prank wars.", Tessa said, "Dad, you ready?"

"Yea. Who wants to do what?", Cade walked over to us.

"I will try and tickle her. You guys good with putting the whip cream on her hand?", Tessa asked and the boys nodded.

We walked into the trailer and seen that Blazer was laying on the floor. Cade and I put the cream onto Blaze's servo and we all walked out as soon as her hand moved to smack the feather away.

-Present time- Normal POV

I quickly wiped off the whip cream and left my trailer. He was going to get it. I walked into a small hole in the mountain and grabbed the supplies I had picked up earlier. I went back to my vehicle mode and drove about 3 miles out.

I painted myself with light blue paint and positioned a bucket of pink paint on a branch a few inches away.

::Co......mus......Decep..........atta.....need....elp.:: I commed Optimus.

After I disconnected the call, I positioned myself. Here we go. As the humans say, Optimus, payback is a bitch. Within a few minutes, Optimus and the team were there. Optimus walked over to me and knelt down underneath the paint bucket. Perfect.

I pulled the rope attached to the bucket and Optimus was covered in pink paint from his helm to his pedes. I laughed so hard my sides hurt.

"Payback's a bitch, Optimus.", I smirked.

"Indeed.", Optimus said and smirked up at me.

He launched at me and hugged me against him. When I broke free, the whole front part of my frame was pink as well as pink hand prints on my back.

"Optimus!", I yelled and started chasing after him.

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