Chapter 21: JetFire

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Hey readers, TransformersRules here with yet another chapter of the day. I was reviewing my other chapters and I realized that Lori's Cybertronian name is 'StormBlazer' not 'SilverBlade'. I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion. I changed the name to it's original one in previous. You don't have to re-read them as that is the only update I'll be doing on previous chapters.

I walked around the museum for about an hour before Bee had com linked me. They were outside. I walked to the front of the museum and kept into the shadows. They saw me and ran over I looked down at Leo to see him 'bouncing' somewhat.

"What'd you do?", I asked.

"He Tasered his nuts.", Mikaela answered.

"Nice.", I said, "Come on. He's over here."

They all followed me to the plane.

"You got what I got?", Simmons asked.

"Yeah?", Sam guessed.

"Blackbird.", Simmons smiled.

"Ooh, there he is. This guys a legend, like, like, like the Chairman of the Board! Yo, freshman, point the shard and watch the magic happen.", a mini robot said.

"When did you get here?", I asked.

"A while ago. You were in a daze mumbling something.", he answered.

"Oh, shit. It's a Decepticon!", Mikaela yelled.

"Decepticon?", Simmons and Leo asked.

"Behind the MIG now!", Simmons yelled, they all left except me.

"I know this guy. Wait, that's Jetfire!", I looked up at him with wide eyes, "Con gone good."

"Ah. What sort of hideous mausoleum is this? Answer me, pawns and knaves! Show yourselves or suffer my infinite wrath! You little spinal-cord-based organisms! Oof. Oh, bugger it. Behold the eternal glory of Jetfire! Prepare for remote systems override!", Jetfire said.

"Jetfire.", I shook my head and seen he was commanding the doors to open, "Jetfire!"

"Right, I'm on a mission.", Jetfire said.

'Mission?', I thought.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by shouting.

"What do you want?", Jetfire asked.

"Look, we just want to talk!", Sam yelled.

"I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission. I'm a mercenary doom bringer. What planet am I on?", Jetfire asked.

"Earth.", I answered, "Hello, Jetfire. Long time."

"Jewel?", Jetfire asked.

"Yep. How's the mission coming along?", I asked.

"Uh.", he looked around nervously, I chuckled.

"It's okay. I'm not like Megatron. I wont beat you.", I smiled, "Buuutt..."

"Oh boy.", Jetfire backed up as I walked towards him with a smirk.

"Attack!", I yelled and started tickling him.

Jetfire fell over laughing, "S-sto-stop!"

"Are you gonna do your mission?", I asked with a smirk.

"Y-yes!", Jetfire said between laughs, "I yield!"

"Good.", I stopped tickling him and got off so he could get up.

"What happened?", Leo asked.

"I assigned Jetfire the mission. It took me a second to remember. Jewel is a nickname he gave me. We've been friends since the golden age, before the war started.", I explained.

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